Page 8 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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the insurance available in the urban areas and is a low
value product. It requires different design, different distri-
bution strategies and also requires active involvement of
an intermediate agency, health providers, and third party
administrators representing the target community.
Insurance has remained low in the priorities of the eco- Insurance is emerging as the necessity for the low-income
nomically downtrodden sections of the society, historically. people too. Recent developments in India, as elsewhere,
But ironical it is these sections that are hopelessly depen- have shown that not only can the poor make small peri-
dent on whatever little assets that they have created over odic contributions that can go towards insuring them
a period of time and are really in need of protecting them, against their health risks but also that the risks they face
apart from their own lives and health! (such as those of illness, accident and injury, life etc.) are
eminently insurable as these risks are mostly independent
However, it is beyond their comprehension to understand or idiosyncratic. Thus, insurance is fast emerging as a pre-
the importance of insurance.This emphasizes the need for paid financing option for the various risks facing the poor.
making these masses understand the importance of insur-
ing their health, even lives & assets, etc. and inculcate in Government of India and certain NGOs had started the mi-
them the habit. This is a task that demands conviction and cro-health insurance scheme in India. But the success of
commitment - of several stakeholders. these schemes have started now and one of the reasons
for Micro-finance and other is the reform, which has made
the new, and the private sector companies to come for-
ward and work for the benefit of the poor. Although the
reach of these insurance schemes are very limited,only to
the 2 million individuals,there is a huge potential seen in
the near future. The overall market is estimated to reach
Rs. 250 billion by 2008 (ILO 2004).
Micro-finance is the most important socio-economic devel- IRDA had given relaxations in the regulations pertaining to
opment of our times. Due to the economic circumstances micro-health insurance products; and thus the process has
the poor had no bank facilities for a long time. But with been initiated. The insurers would do well to extend their
the concept of micro-credit coming in picture it has been hand in the fulfillment of this noble cause; and work in the
proved that the poor can become credit worthy if they form spirit of accomplishing the task and not merely go through
small groups. the motions mandatorily.
Micro-credit in India started in big way in the 90's. In the The distributors should take it upon themselves the task of
late 90s, numerous agencies involved in micro-credit op- explaining to the masses the need for insurance in a man-
erations in India started adding other financial services, ner that they can comprehend. In the end, it should be a
including micro-insurance to its micro-credit operations. combined effort of all the stakeholders to ensure that in-
The importance of micro-finance can be seen from the view surance is understood as a vital tool for the betterment of
point that in spite of the fact that there are many banks in the living standards of the downtrodden masses.
the country, still poor people specially in the rural areas by-
passed the formal banking procedure and formed there own The past decade has seen the growth of micro-insurance
groups for the micro-finance activities. involving health cover in many different countries. In In-
dia, too, several people's organizations and NGOs have
MICRO-INSURANCE refers to the insurance of the lower- been experimenting with various micro-insurance products
income people. It is very different from the other types of involving health coverage. While the long-term viability of
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow
naturally forward in whatever way they like.
8 February 2016 Life Insurance Today
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