Page 3 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 3
Vol. XI No. 11 February 2016
Editor-in-Chief ISSN - 0973-4813 Editorial
Ram Gopal Agarwala Editor India is a vast populated country which has the
B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A. potential of Life Insurance to a great extent. Still
large population is either uninsured or
Editor Ram Gopal Agarwala, B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A. underinsured. Being underinsured does not
properly serve the purpose of life insurance as
Dr Rakesh Agarwal Associate Editor once the claim occurs the objective of life
M.Com. (BIM), L.L.DBr.., Rakesh Agarwala insurance is not fulfilled.
F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C., MM.B.C.Aom. F. .(CBI.MA)., PLh..LD.B.,
The rampant misselling is damaging the core of
Associate EdFit.Io.Ir.I., P.G.J.M.C., M.B.A. A.C.A. Ph.D the life insurance business, the trust factor
between the insurer and the insured. Since there
SMh.yCaomm.A(BgIaMrw),aAl .C.A.R,SeF..sCI.ihId.aIe.t,tnoPrta.GjE,.PdJ.uiMtnoe.Cr. is no immediate return in life insurance insured
Resident Editor Dr. B. K. Jha, Sultanpur must be assured that he will get the money at the
Dr. Abhijeet K. Chattoraj, Navi Mumbai / Pune time of distress.
Dr. B. K. Jha, SultanpRuer gistered Office Govt should avoid subsidy and try to give coverage
K. L. Madhok, New25,DBealhrai nashi Ghosh Street, to population under micro insurance system for
Shaik Gulam Afzal BKiyoalkBaatani-, 7S0a0ud0i0A7,raInbdiaia health Insurance as well as life insurance for a
minimum sum of insurance.
B. K. TulPi,hNonewe :D03el3h-i2269 6035/ 3294 3723/ 4007 8428
Life Insurance coverage should be propagated like
R. Venugopal, BEFa-mnagxaai:llo9: r1ien-3su3r-a2n2c7e3@66b1im2/a4b0a0za7a8r.4c2o9m 'Swach Bharat Abhiyan' for masses and the
Registered OffiWceebsite : coverage should be affordable for everyone. Govt.
25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007, India should ensure that each one is insured and person
Phone : 033-2269 6C03u5s/ t3o2m94e3r7H23e/lp40L07in8e428 who is not insured should not be given any govt.
benefit in any manner.
Fax : 91-3F3o-r2n2o7n3r6e6ce1i2pts/any other query please contact
LIC the national insurers are the wealthiest
E-mail : insurers of the world which has the claim
Website : www.sPahsohnipeu:b0li3c3a-t4io0n0s7.8c4o2m8, 40078429 settlement record of nearly 99%. LIC is getting
Portl: www.bFimaxab: aFzaaxar:.c9o1m-33-2273 6612/ 4007 8429 tough competition from private players and it
should manage its resources meticulously to
CFEPho-umorsnanteoiolmn:: 0ner3eorc3nHe-r4eiepc0lte0psi/7pOaLtn8@vPiy3enrb7ireMonsi8mttaehal/alecrb2srehia2azqaz1eun:a8ea:2ircr244.yac7.15ol.8p5mx4Dlex1ea28stae1.5.i5lccsomcnmstasc.t maintain the LmIaFrEketINshSaUreR. ANCE TODAY 3
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All the wpeayshmaellnntotmbeursetspboensmibaledfeorbthye DcaDsh fpaavyomuernitnsg. LIFE
INSURATNheCEcoTnOteDnAtsYopf aythaisblejoautrnKalolakraeta, of LIFE
Please dIoNSnUotRmANakCeE aTnOyDcAaYshwhpoasyempeenrtmfiossriojonuisrnnael/cbeososkarsytfoor
any persroepnrordeupcrteiosnenintinwghoLleIFoEr inINpaSrUt.RTAheNvCieEwsTeOxDprAeYsseadndby
we shallconnottribbuetorressporonresvibielweefrosrinththeiscjaosuhrnpaal ydomneonttsn.ecessarily
The conretfelenctts thoef opthiniisonjoofurLnIFaEl IaNrSeURcAopNyCrEigThOtDAoYf aLndIFtEhe
INSURAjoNuCrnEal TcaOnDnAotYbewhheolsderepsepromnsisibslieonforisthneemc.eAslsladriyspfuoters
reproducstuiobnjecitntowKhoolklaetaojrurisndipcatiortn. oTnhlye. views expressed by
contributPourbslisohrerdevbiyeSwuesrhsiliKnutmhiasr Ajoguarrnwaallad,o& nPotrinnteecdebsysaJrailnyta
reflect thPerinotpiningioWn oorfksLIFaEt I2N5,SUBRaAraNnCasEhTi OGDhAoYshanSdtrteheet,
journal cKaonlkantoat-7b0e0 0h0e7ld. responsible for them. All disputes
subject to Kolkata jurisdiction only.
Published by Sushil Kumar Agarwala, & Printed by Janta
Printing Works at 25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7.
Life Insurance Today February 2016 3
Copyright@ The Insurance Times. 09883398055 / 09883380339