Page 5 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 5
Cover Story
Introduction: insurance covering health risk are in to existence. Informal
risk-sharing schemes have been around for generations,
Low-income households are vulnerable to risks and eco- even in some of the most inaccessible places. However,
nomic shocks. One way for the poor to protect their health these schemes are usually limited in their outreach and the
is through insurance. By helping low-income households to benefits typically cover only a small portion of the loss. A
manage their health risks, micro-insurance can assist them key aspect of the interest in micro-health insurance is to
to maintain a sense of financial confidence even in the face explore ways of significantly increase the number of poor
of significant vulnerability. If governments, donors, devel- health risks that have access to insurance while enhancing
opment agencies and others working for the welfare of the the benefits.
poorer community are serious about combating their
health; health related insurance has to be one of the weap- In global parlance - to learn how to extend health insur-
ons in their arsenal. ance to low-income households, the CGAP Working Group
on micro-insurance launched a research project in 2003 to
Among low-income populations, risk pooling and informal document the experiences of micro-insurance operations
around the world and identify good and bad practices.
About the author
This project conducted a series of case studies of insurance
Anabil Bhattacharya companies, micro-finance institutions and community-based
B.M.E. (Hons.), F.I.I.I. insurance schemes from around the world to learn about
C.M. & Faculty Member the provision of health insurance to the poor. While other
N.C.I.L., Narendrapur
I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
Life Insurance Today February 2016 5
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