P. 122

Cost of Investments:

               The cost of an investment should include acquisition charges such as brokerage, fees and duties.

               If an investment is acquired-

                     by issue of shares or other securities; then the investments should be valued at the fair

                      value of the issued security. (i.e. Issue price determined by statutory authority)

                     by exchange of another asset; then the investments should be valued at fair value of the

                      asset given up or asset acquired, whichever is more clearly evident.

               Investment Property - Investment Property is investment in land or buildings that is not intended to

               be occupied substantially for use by, or in the operations of, the investing enterprise. An investment

               property is classified as long-term investment.

               Disposal  of  Investments  -  On  disposal,  the  difference  between  the  carrying  amount  and  the

               disposal proceeds, net of expenses, is recognized in the profit and loss statement.

               Reclassification of Investments - Long-term to short-term: Transfers from one class to another class

               are  made  at  lower  of  cost  and  carrying  amount  at  the  date  of  transfer.  Current  to  long-term:

               Transfers are made at lower of cost and fair value at the date of transfer.


               1] Accounting policies for determination of carrying amount

               2] Classification of Investments

               3] The amounts included in Profit and loss statement profits or losses on disposal and changes in

               carrying  amount  of  current  and  long-term  investments  interest,  dividends  (showing  separately

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