P. 97


                                           REVENUE RECOGNITION

           Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary

           activities of an enterprise from the sale of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others

           of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends.

           Revenue Includes:

                 Proceeds from sale of goods

                 Proceeds from rendering of services

                 Interest, royalty and dividends.

           Sale of goods

                 Revenue from sales should be recognized when

                 All significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer from the seller.

                 Ultimate reliability of receipt is reasonably certain.

           Rendering of Services

           Revenue from service transactions is usually recognized as the service is performed, either by proportionate

           completion method or by the completed service contract method.

           Proportionate  Completion  Method  –  This  is  a  method  of  accounting,  which  recognises  revenue  in  the

           statement of profit and loss proportionately with degree of completion of services under a contract.

           Revenue is recognised by reference to the performance of each act.

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