Page 6 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 6

of the bank," ICICI Bank said in a stock  with party spokesman Sasmit  manipulation of processes, and reduce
         exchange filing.                   Patrasaying that claims amounting to  delays in settlement of claims.
         This follows the allotment of equity  be more than Rs 1,000 crore of Odisha  Initially, technological upgradation will
         shares of ICICI Lombard to the eligible  farmers have not been settled by the  be voluntary, and this would soon be
                                            insurance companies.
         shareholders of Bharti AXA General                                    made mandatory for all insurers, cre-
         Insurance after the scheme of ar-  "Lakhs of Odisha farmers across    ating a new benchmark, said an offi-
         rangement amongst Bharti AXA and   Bargarh, Sambalpur, Sonepur,       cial. The use of technology for claim
         ICICI Lombard and their respective  Deogarh, Bolangir, Nuapada and    assessment is being pushed to diagnose
         shareholders and creditors.        Kalahandi districts are affected by the  processes that are being manipulated,
                                            PMFBY," Patra told media persons.  leading to fraudulent claims in agricul-
         ICICI Lombard had on September 8 in-
         formed the stock exchanges that its  He said till Kharif 2020, the total pre-  tural as well as industrial insurance.
         board has allotted 3.57 crore equity  mium paid to insurance companies was
         shares to shareholders of Bharti AXA.  Rs 6163.28 crore while the payment by DICGC to engage CA firms
                                            the insurance companies was Rs     to complete depositor
         Hero Insurance broking             5,098.64 crore. Thus, the insurance  verification
                                            companies profited to the tune of Rs
         gets nod for risk, reinsur-        1,064.64 crore, he said.           The Deposit Insurance and Credit
         ance                               Between 2018 and 2020, farmers in  Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) has
                                                                               set in motion the process of engaging
         Hero Insurance Broking India has ac-  Odisha filed crop insurance claims of Rs  Chartered Accountant (CA) firms to
                                            2,090 crore but insurance companies
         quired a composite broking licence                                    complete the Herculean task of verifi-
         from the IRDAI which will allow the  paid less than half of these claims, at  cation/ certification of claims list and
                                            Rs 1,026 crore, said Patra. "Farmers
         firm to offer reinsurance broking and                                 books of records of about 55 insured
         risk management consultancy services  are facing repeated harassment by the  urban co-operative banks (UCBs),
                                            insurance companies related to their
         to corporate clients, Hero Enterprise                                 which are currently under the Reserve
         chairman Sunil Munjal told.        assessment of the claims and payments  Bank of India’s All Inclusive Direction
                                            under PMFBY," he said. Patra said it is
         The firm, a wholly-owned subsidiary of  high time the Union government rec-  (AID).
         Hero Corporate Service, has been in  tified these issues and helped the farm-  This is aimed at ensuring that the first
         the Indian insurance market since  ers in times of distress.          list of depositors get paid by the cor-
         2005, first as an agency and then as a  "The government should use new tech-  poration within the stipulated time
         direct broker since 2018. With its new                                frame of 90 days from the date (Sep-
                                            nology such as drones to clear assess-
         composite licence, which IRDAI ap-                                    tember 1, 2021) when the provisions
                                            ment of claims expeditiously and allow
         proved in June, the firm is now also  only government insurance companies  of the Deposit Insurance and Credit
         planning to enter specialised corporate                               Guarantee Corporation (Amendment)
                                            to undertake PMFBY in order to safe-
         lines of insurance such as manufactur-  guard the interest of the farmers," he  Act, 2021 came into force.
         ing and employee benefits.         said.                              The DICGC Act was amended last
         "From an agency, we converted in                                      month with a provision in Section 18A
         2018 to a brokerage where we de-   Drone use, satellite imag-         allowing depositors access to up to ?5
         cided that instead of representing in-                                lakh within 90 days of a bank being
         surance companies, we'll represent  ery for farm insurance may        placed under moratorium/ AID.
         customers," Munjal said.           be a must                          So, depositors of UCBs such as Punjab
                                            Use of drones and satellite imaging  & Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC)
         Over Rs. 1,000-crore PM            could be made mandatory for insurers  Bank (Mumbai), Sri Guru Raghavendra
         Crop Insurance dues not            to keep a check on fraudulent and  Sahakara Bank (Bengaluru), Rupee Co-
                                            false insurance claims. For this, the  operative Bank (Pune) and Kapol Co-
         paid, says BJD                     Centre and the Insurance Regulatory  operative Bank (Mumbai) can hope to
         Biju Janata Dal raised the issue of non-  and Development Authority of India  receive payments up to the insured
         settlement of claims under Pradhan  are in discussions to adopt artificial in-  deposit amount of Rs. 5 lakh on or be-
         Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY),  telligence and big data to identify  fore November 29, 2021.

           6  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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