Page 11 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 11

September 2, 2021, Bank of India said  ning campaigns to raise concerns about  and EV multiple at which LIC shares
         in a regulatory filing.            the share sale, Kumar said.        could be offered.
         Before the latest acquisition of shares                               According to Sathe, the corporation's
         in the bank, LIC held over a 3.17 per LIC's asset base goes past      valuation would be influenced by the
         cent stake in the state-owned bank.  Rs. 38lakh crore in fiscal       extent of contribution from single pre-
         The bank said that LIC's stake in Bank                                mium policies to its assets under man-
         of India has now increased to 7.05 per 2021                           agement (AUM) that would determine

         cent, equivalent to 28,92,87,324   LIC of India has said that its asset base  valuation. According to numbers re-
         shares.                            has crossed Rs 38 lakh crore with total  leased by LIC, its asset base has
         As per Sebi regulations on substantial  investments of Rs 36,76,170 crore and  crossed Rs 38 lakh crore which is more
         acquisition of shares and takeovers, com-  a life fund of Rs 34,36,686 crore as of  than 15 times the AUM of the top pri-
         panies have to inform the stock ex-  March 2021.                      vate life companies like HDFC Life or
         changes when an entity holds more than  According to its balance sheet for the  ICICI Prudential.
         5 per cent shares in a listed company.  previous fiscal ended March 2020, the  "Taking into consideration the AUM, if
                                            corporation's total assets stood at just  we think its embedded value will be 15-
         LIC IPO may result in job          under Rs 32 lakh crore, total invest-  20 times of private listed companies it
         losses: Staff union                ments at Rs 30.7 lakh crore and its life  will be wrong because the calculation
                                            fund at Rs 31.1 lakh crore.        of embedded value is based on the ac-
         The mega initial public offering of LIC                               tuarial calculation, which takes into
         could result in job losses and impact the  LIC shared its balance sheet numbers  account present value of future ben-
         company's social infrastructure spend-  ahead of its foundation day on Septem-  efits," said Sathe while speaking at an
         ing plans, according to one of its larg-  ber 1, which marks its 66th anniver-  event recently. "Since single premium
         est trade unions.                  sary. The balance sheet numbers pro-
                                            vide some insights into the value of the  policies have less EV (present value of
         Life Insurance Corp. "was formed to  IPO-bound corporation. However, a  future benefits) and it reduces profit-
         provide insurance to rural and social  clear indication will be available only  ability, private insurers are reluctant
         and economically backward people,"                                    to do single premium policies," he said.
                                            after it reveals the embedded value of
         Rajesh Kumar, general secretary of All
                                            its business.
         India LIC Employees' Federation, said                                 Markets, not promoters,
         in an interview with Bloomberg TV. The  The expansion in the balance sheet in
         company, which has been funding capi-  the pandemic year FY21 occurred on to bring capital to insurers
         tal-intensive infrastructure projects  the back of a 3.5% growth in new busi-  The Indian insurance industry is mov-
         such as roads, railways and power for  ness (first-year premium) with a collec-  ing from being a promoter-driven to a
         more than six decades, may instead  tion of Rs 1.8 lakh crore premium from  market-led one with the capital mar-
         focus on "profit-maximizing invest-  2.1 crore new policies.          kets becoming a dominant source of
         ments" after the IPO, Kumar said.                                     funding, a finance ministry official said.
                                            Private companies can't            The listing of LIC would result in listed
         Prime Minister Narendra Modi's gov-
         ernment is looking to dilute as much as  be used as benchmark to      entities accounting for 60% of the in-
         10% stake in LIC as part of a broader                                 surance business.
         divestment target to help plug a wid-  value LIC                      Amit Agarwal, additional secretary in
         ening budget gap. The sale, which is  Valuations of listed private life insurers  the finance ministry said: "We have for
         set to be the country's biggest, could  cannot be a basis for the valuation of  the first time an opportunity to attract
         value the company at as much as $261  LIC, according to former IRDA member  and leverage large amounts of risk
         billion, surpassing Reliance Industries  Nilesh Sathe.                capital, in a traditionally capital scarce
         Ltd., according to analysts at Jefferies  With the government appointing mer-  economy for enabling faster growth in
         India.                             chant bankers for what is likely to be  the risk intensive insurance sector.
         The trade union, which represents  the largest government divestment  Agarwal said that in the two decades
         about 4,000 of LIC's roughly 114,000  and largest IPO, there is speculation on  after opening up the industry has ma-
         employees, has written to the prime  LIC's valuation. Many have used the  tured with 69 insurers as against eight
         minister and members of Parliament  private sector listed companies or SBI  in 2,000 and a majority have achieved
         to protest about the listing and is plan-  Life as a proxy for embedded value (EV)  break-even.

                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2021 11
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