Page 8 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 8

IRDAI                                                                      News

         IRDAI extends timeline for         the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB).  The guidelines once approved and
                                            The regulator will empower the IIB to  implemented promise to address the
         sale of short-term Covid           collect data from the industry and come  high funding requirement for construc-
         products                           out with benchmark pricing. According  tion and infra companies.
         IRDAI has permitted general and health  to insurance sources, the IIB will be simi-  Surety insurance contracts may be of-
         insurance companies to offer and short-  lar to credit information bureaus like  fered to construction companies in In-
         term Covid-specific products, including  Cibil and help companies identify and  dia that cover road projects, housing/
                                            reprice loss-making businesses.
         Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak till                                 commercial buildings and other infra-
         March 31, 2022.                    In the draft regulations for the IIB, the  structure projects of the government
         Earlier, in March this year, the regula-  regulator has said that the bureau will  and the private sector, IRDAI said while
         tor decided to extend the timeline for  be a repository of data for all entities  unveiling the draft IRDAI (Surety Insur-
         the sale and renewal of such policies till  regulated by the IRDAI. IIB will use this  ance Contracts) Guidelines, 2021. "The
         September, looking at the prevailing  data for analytics and the generation  contract bonds may include bid bonds,
         situation. Insurance companies were  of reports for the industry. It will also  performance bonds, advance payment
                                            provide benchmark rates for life, mo-  bonds and retention money. Apart from
         initially allowed to offer these policies
         till March 31, 2021.               tor, health, fire and marine insurance.  contract bonds, the insurers may un-
                                            These benchmark rates will be aimed  derwrite customs or tax bonds and
         Covid-specific policies saw a huge up-  at promoting "reasonableness of rates  court bonds," it said.
         take in the market due to the raging  and sustainability of business in all lines
         virus and was one of the main reasons  of insurance".                 Surety insurance contracts cannot be
         why the health insurance segment saw                                  issued where the underlying assets or
         a huge uptick. Many insurers had   The bureau will ensure that informa-  commitments are outside India.
                                            tion about losses on account of fraud is
         launched their own Covid-specific prod-
         ucts following which the regulator came  shared among all players to help the  IRDAI issues revised guide-
                                            industry reduce the same.
         up with two standard Covid-specific                                   lines for trade credit insur-
         products--Corona Kavach and Corona
         Rakshak.                           Surety insurance cover ance
                                            limit set at 30% of project        IRDAI issued revised guidelines for trade
         IRDAI seeks to cut un-                                                credit insurance that will come into ef-
                                            value: IRDAI                       fect on 1 November 2021. The aim is to
         healthy business with data         IRDAI has said the limit of guarantee  promote the sustainable and healthy
         bureau recast                      under surety insurance contracts should  development of the trade credit insur-
         IRDA, in an effort to ensure that the  not exceed 30 per cent of the project  ance business and improve economic
                                            value. Also, the contracts should be is-  stability by labelling trade losses be-
         non-life and life industry underwrites
         healthy business, has decided to recast  sued only to specific projects and not  cause of credit risks.
                                            clubbed for multiple ones.
           8  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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