Page 13 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 13

Health Insurance                                                           News

         Health portfolio continues Insurers receive 1.42-mn                   second wave subsiding, the elevated
                                                                               level of infections as well as the
         to drive premium growth            Covid related claims in            reimburse-ment claims are keeping
         The health portfolio of general and  FY22 worth Rs. 16,000            insurers on tenter-hooks.
         standalone health insurers is driving the
         premium growth of non-life insurers. In  crore so far
         the April-July period of FY22, the health  General and health insurers have re-  Health cover costs to rise
         portfolio has grown 34.2 per cent,  ceived almost 1.4 times the number of  for retired bankers
         which is significantly higher than the  Covid-related health claims so far in  Retired public sector banks' staff will see
         9.9 per cent growth seen in the same  FY22 than what they had received in  their group mediclaim premium
         period last year.                  entire FY21.
                                                                               increase by as much as 40% following
         While retail health grew by 24.8 per  According to General Insurance Coun-  an increase in the claims ratio. The
         cent, group health recorded a 23 per  cil data, in FY22, as of August 27, they  Indian Banks' Association (IBA) has
         cent rise in the April-July period. Not-  have received more than 1.42 million  communicated to its members that it
         withstanding the growth in health pre-  claims, worth Rs 15,956 crore. Insur-  has received the revised quotes,
         miums, insurers have seen elevated  ers have settled almost 85 per cent of  following a request for proposals floated
         levels of Covid claims in the first three  the claims they have received this  by the bank's body.
         months of the financial year due to the  year.
         second wave of the pandemic.       So far, they have settled 1.17 million  "High incurred claim ratio of 147.2% for

         In FY22, as of August 6, general and  claims worth Rs 10,397 crore. In com-  retirees without domiciliary policy and
         standalone health insurers have re-  parison, in FY21, insurers had received  163.3% for retirees with domiciliary
         ceived 1.3 million Covid claims worth  986,366 covid claims, worth Rs 14, 560  policy (as on July 31, 2021) have resulted
         Rs 14,660 crore, of which they have  crore and settled 849,034.       in the increase in premiums for renewal
         settled 1.04 million claims worth Rs  In FY21, they paid out claims to the  of policies compared to last year," the
         9,990 crore. In FY21, insurers had re-  tune of Rs 7,833 crore. Since the on-  IBA said. Kolkata-based National
         ceived 986,366 Covid claims worth Rs  set of the pandemic, insurers have re-  Insurance Company is understood to
         14,560 crore.                      ceived 2.4 million claims amounting to  have continued with the account.
         The motor segment, which was the   Rs 30,516 crore, of which they have  Domiciliary cover refers to the extension
         largest business for the general insur-  settled more than 2 million claims shell-  of the policy to cover treatment at
         ers, grew 4.8 per cent against a 19.4  ing out Rs 18,230 crore.       home.
         per cent drop in year-to-date in July  The general insurance industry has  For retired bank officers, the premium
         FY21. The increase can be attributed  seen its profits plummet due to the  for Rs 4 lakh cover without domiciliary
         to the continued higher sales wit-  mounting covid claims. Although the  has gone up 34% to Rs 36,652 from Rs
         nessed in July 2021.               claims burden has come down with the  27,342. For retired workmen, the cost

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