Page 14 - The Insurance Times October 2021
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has gone up 40% to Rs 28,715 from Rs  worth Rs 20,430 crore, with the money  Kumar added that most of the growth
         20,508 for a Rs 3 lakh cover.      going to the health sector. A total of  happened in the first quarter compared

         With the domiciliary option, the cost has  1.81 lakh claims for Rs 1,319 crore have  to the same period last year. "We are
         gone up lower. For retired workmen, the  been repudiated, according to figures  seeing the demand plateauing now that
         cost of the same cover is now Rs 55,175  compiled by the General Insurance  the second wave has stabilised," Kumar
         which is 8.4% higher than Rs s 50.893  Council.                       said. However, insurers do not expect a
         last year and for officers, it is 7.5% higher  While 8.47 lakh insurance claims were  steep plunge given the lingering fear of
         at Rs 72, 917 from Rs 67,853 last year.  filed in Maharashtra for Rs 8,650 crore,  a third wave, apart from the general
         IBA negotiates group insurance on  it was followed by Gujarat (3.24 lakh  growth in awareness about insurance
         behalf of retired employees who are  claims for Rs 3,793 crore), Karnataka  and its benefits. Despite the payouts due
         required to pay the premium. National  (2.53 lakh claims for Rs 2,712 crore) and  to the spike in claims, the insurers
         Insurance Company has offered lower-  Tamil Nadu (2.41 lakh claims for Rs 3,447  expect an accelerated growth for the
         premium cover for lower-sum insured  crore). Telangana reported the highest  segment due to this. Health insurance
         and for policies where the retiree does  average per person claim of Rs 1.72 lakh  premiums have been the main drivers
         not have a surviving spouse or the  while Arunachal Pradesh registered the  of the non life insurance industry since
         retiree is survived by a spouse.   highest average per person settled  the commencement of the pandemic.
                                            claim of Rs 1.24 lakh.
         Insurers say cost of most group policies                              "In India, structural growth has been
         that have come up for renewal after the  In the five months ending August 21,  the key driver for the health insurance
         second wave has seen an increase   the health portfolio of insurers jumped  business for a long time, with an
         because of a higher payout.        by 32.25 per cent to Rs 30,192 crore, as  exceptionally high share of out-of-
                                            against Rs 22,830 crore in the same  pocket expenditure, poor state of
         Covid cover claims at Rs           period a year ago. "The second wave of  government health facilities and rising
                                            the pandemic was more severe than the
         31,624 crore                       first, causing higher uncertainty and fear  affluence among the masses," notes a
         SINCE the time the Covid pandemic  among the masses. This resulted in  report by Emkay Global Financial
         began in March 2020, insurance     increased demand for health insurance,  Services.
         companies have received 25.64 lakh  including group policies, as more  "An increase in the number of people
         claims for Rs 31,624 crore from people  employers realised the need to cover  (retail and group) opting for health
         affected by the virus, with badly hit  their employees," said Vijay Kumar, CEO  insurance, demand for better coverage
         Maharashtra accounting for the largest  and principal officer, Digit Insurance.  among existing policyholders, demand
         numbers by far. The average claim works  Retail health policies jumped 22.35 per  for short-term Covid-19 health cover
         out to Rs 1.23 lakh per person, and the  cent to Rs 9,566 crore and group policies  and increased claims costs driving prices
         average settlement to Rs 91,287.   rose 25.79 per cent to Rs 11,903 crore  up have resulted in very strong growth

         Insurers have settled 22.38 lakh claims  in the April-August period.  in premiums," the report adds. T
              Cabinet committee clears ECGC listing, to infuse Rs 4,400-crore

                                                   over 5 years

           In order to boost exports, the Union Cabinet approved a capital infusion of Rs 4,400 crore in state-owned Export Credit
           Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) over five years as well as plans to list the export insurer via an initial public offering (IPO).
           It also cleared capital infusion of Rs 1,650 crore in the National Export Insurance Account (NEIA) to boost project exports.
           "The infusion of this Rs 4,400 crore will enable ECGC to write insurance policies covering exports of an additional Rs 88,000
           crore," Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal said at a press briefing. He added the move would primarily benefit MSMEs
           which form 97 per cent of the client base of ECGC. The state-run ECGC provides credit insurance services to exporters
           against non-payment risks by overseas buyers as well as insurance cover to banks against risks in lending to exporters.
           Goyal said the government would immediately infuse Rs 500 crore in ECGC and another Rs 500 crore next fiscal, with the
           rest set to be made available as required. ECGC currently has an 85 per cent market share for export credit insurance in
           the country and provided support to exports worth Rs 6.02 lakh, or 28 per cent of merchandise exports, in FY21. The Rs
           4,400-crore fund infusion could support additional exports of Rs 5.28 lakh crore over five years.

          14  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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