Page 19 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 19

4th Prize Winner : Technical Paper Writing Contest 2020                              Cover Story




          -ANSWERS ARE

          HIDDEN IN DATA

          L      ife Insurance industry finds it difficult to realise its  Insurance Statistics, 2017-18, we find that the total Sum

                 full potential. With the Insurance Penetration
                                                             Assured in force was 1,25,67,942.89 crores of Rupees (in the
                 hovering around 2.70 for quite some time and
                                                             Handbook of 2018-19, this statement is yet to be uploaded).
                 Insurance Density stumbling at around 55 USD
                                                             is found to be 33,14.85,000.  If we assume that about twenty
         (source: IRDAI Annual Report, 2018-19), the industry does  In a separate statement, the total number of policies in force
         not look like the one pertaining to an economy aspiring to  five crores of Indians own in force individual life insurance
         be of 5 Trillion USD. Most of the developed and emerging  policies at the moment (as many of them are holding multiple
         countries have Insurance Penetration and Density much  policies), that will not perhaps be too wrong an assumption.
         higher than us. Now, this is happening when India is one of  And in that case, each insured person is found to be covered
         the fastest growing economies of the world and will  by a sum assured of only 3.78 lacs of Rupees on an average.
         continue to be so for many more years. According to an  This is no way near the Human Life Value (HLV) of an average
         estimate by Bain & Co., already 54% of Indians can be  Indian.
         considered as belonging to "Middle-Class". Then there are
         High Net Worth Individuals segment (3%), requiring very  According to Ministry of Statistics and Programme
         heavy insurance protection against various risks.   Implementation figures, India's per capita income was Rs.
                                                             1,42,719 in 2018-19 at current prices. Even if we assume
         Let's see how many Indians are insured at the moment. If  that the average Indian has twenty years of working life left
         we look at one statement of the Handbook of Indian  (that being a realistic assumption given the present
                                                             demographic features of the country), her HLV comes out
                        About the author                     to be around Rs. 26 lakhs of rupees (without considering
                                                             interest rate, inflation rate and chance of growth of income).

           Nirjhar Majumdar                                  Now, we can make out how grossly underinsured we are.
                                                             Even a low cost (Rs. 330 per annum) government sponsored
           LIC of India
                                                             Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojona (PMJJBY) offers a
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