Page 20 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 20

sum assured of Rs. 2 lakh! So, the commercial insurers have  In the case of India, it has not happened signifying the
         to go to the drawing board to design new strategies to  existence of huge untapped potential. Let's consider another
         insure the lives of Indians more heavily.            important indicator of progress, Insurance Density in India
                                                              is USD 55 or Rs. 4,000 approximately. Now, how much life
         This article is an attempt to analyse the data available in  insurance can be purchased by a person of say 30 years of
         the public domain to understand the reasons behind the low  age, opting for a 25 year endowment policy? It will not be
         Insurance Penetration and Density of the life insurance  more than Rs. 1.5 lakh. If he buys term insurance, may be
         sector of the country. Along with the data published by  the coverage will be much more. But, a sound financial
         IRDAI, I have used the findings of some research work  planning through life insurance is possible only through
         considered as top quality ones in the industry circle. Towards  purchase of savings as well as protection products. Indians,
         the end, some suggestions have been made to develop the  in general prefer some returns at the end of the term or at
         insurance market of the country.                     periodic intervals of time to be used to meet some heavy
                                                              expenses and as "Future Provisions", too. After all, each
         We shall find that the solutions lie in the industry rethinking  country has to develop products in sync with the socio-
         its strategies as regards product development, distribution,  economic conditions prevailing in the country.
         customer sensitivity and usage of new transformative
         technologies. As the economy is growing (with the exception  Now, let us see the Insurance Penetration and Density of
         of the current year, due to some extra-ordinary situations)  some select developed and emerging countries.
         and should continue to grow because of immense growth
         potential, demographic advantages and aspirations of the  Table-2: Insurance Penetration and
         new generations, there is no reason why India can not be  Density of select countries in 2018-19
         among the most developed markets of life insurance industry
         of the world.                                         Countries          Insurance       Insurance
                                                                                 Penetration       Density
         What are the right Indicators of                                            (%)           in USD
         Progress?                                             France                5.75           2370
                                                               South Africa         10.27           669
         This article started by mentioning that Insurance
         Penetration and Insurance Density are alarmingly low in  Switzerland        4.32           3555
         India. Let us look at the Ratios that the country experienced  United Kingdom  8.32        3532
         for the last five years.
                                                               Japan                 6.72           2629
                                                               Singapore             6.22           3944
             Table-1: Insurance Penetration and
                                                               South Korea           6.12           1898
            Density in India in the last five years
                                                               Taiwan               17.48           4320
          Year            Insurance       Insurance Density    Hong Kong            16.81           8204
                       Penetration (%)         in USD
                                                              Source: IRDAI Annual Report, 2018-19
          2014-15           2.60                 44
          2015-16           2.72                43.2          From Table-2, it is clear that all these countries are head
          2016-17           2.72                46.5          and shoulders above India in terms of progress of the life
                                                              insurance industry although India is larger than each one of
          2017-18           2.76                 55
                                                              them in terms of population, market size and even GDP
          2018-19           2.74                 55
                                                              growth rates in recent years. The financial planning industry
         Source: IRDAI Annual Report, 2018-19                 is well developed in all these countries and mature stock
                                                              markets also exist there. But, people have a strong
         Table-1 clearly shows that there is no significant   preference for life insurance products not just as a protection
         improvement in the accepted indicators of progress of the  tool but also as savings and retirement planning tools. In
         industry. In more than 66% of the countries, Insurance  fact, life insurance industry contributes significantly for the
         Penetration increases with the growth of the economy until  growth and development of their national economies, as
         the growth reaches a very high stage (like US for example).  their savings are used for long term financing of various

          20  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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