Page 22 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 22

Bank, Axis Bank and Kotak Bank  into accounts - new business, single, first year's premium, renewal premium. Let
             and Citi Bank. These banks have a  us see what the proportion is of linked premiums earned as proportion to the
             large number of HNI customers  total premiums earned by them in 2018-19.
             (and NRI customers, too) and it is
             easy to sell high value policies to  Table-4: Linked and Non-linked Premiums earned by top
             them. In fact, for LIC too, the high                 Insurers in 2018-19
             value policies mainly come from
             the Divisions located in big cities  Name of       Linked   Non-Linked    Total    Linked Premium
             like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore,  Insurers          Premium    Premium     Premium     as % to Total
             Hyderabad etc.                                   (in crores)  (in crores)   (in crores)  Premiums
         Y   Now, the question is, are the   LIC of India       813.50   336691.57   337505.07       0.24
             private insurers selling adequate  SBI Life      18926.54    14062.88   32989.42        57.37
             insurance cover to their high value  ICICI Prudential  22718.15  8211.63  30929.77      73.45
             customers? The answer is again
                                             HDFC Life        11321.66    17864.36   29186.02        38.79
             "No" because as we have seen at
             the beginning of this article, the  Max Life      4594.24    9980.99    14575.23        31.52
             per capita income has increased  Bajaj Allianz    3368.51    5488.65     8857.16        38.03
             significantly over the years and a  Kotak Mahindra  2452.90  5715.39     8168.29        30.03
             person drawing the average
             percapita income of the country  Private Insurers  75338.67  95228.29   170626.96       44.15
             needs at least coverage of 26   Industry         76152.17   431979.87   508132.03       14.99
             lakh. So, the higher income people  Source: IRDA Annual Report, 2018-19
             need life insurance protection of
             much higher sum than they are  Let us analyse the data of Table-4 as under:
             being sold even by the top private
                                            Y   It is clear that LIC is selling mostly conventional protection and savings
                                                products. While these are real life insurance products, there is demand for
         Y   For LIC, it is to be understood that  linked products as well. LIC had an unpleasant experience with marketing
             even people living in the fringes
             need much more insurance           ULIPs around Most of its customers are interested in buying these products
             protection. While it is good that  in and around 2008. Since then, LIC agents are in "Once Bitten Twice Shy"
                                                mode and have given ULIPs almost a miss.
             LIC is catering to the insurance
             needs of all strata of the market  Y  Private insurers together get more than 44% of their premiums (new
             through a combination of           business and renewal taken together) through Unit Linked products only.
             "Conventional" and "Micro          Two top private insurers namely SBI Life and ICICI Prudential are getting
             Insurance" products, only a        57% and 73% of their premium incomes through Unit Linked Insurance
             reasonably high insurance cover    Products.
             (subject to the financial means of
             the people) can be a proper    Y   Other prominent private insurers are getting 30 to 40 per-cents of premium
             protection for the family of the   incomes through ULIPs. Industry as a whole is getting 15% of premium
             lives assured.                     income through ULIPs. Almost all private insurers are selling more ULIPs than
                                                the industry average.
         What type of products are giving
         business to the top insurers including
                                            The question is whether the private insurers are also selling term insurance
         LIC. We can look at the IRDA Annual
                                            policies in larger numbers than LIC. While no clear business figures are available
         Report 2018-19 for the data under the
         categories of "Linked Plans" and "Non-  on product lines, we can rely on the report of Max Life- Kantar IMRB survey
         Linked Plans". The following table gives  5released in 2019. According to the survey, only 20% of the young urban Indians
         a clear indication of how the top  are in possession of term assurance products. So, it can safely be said that the
         insurers are getting their premium  policies which are pushing up the sum assured of in-force policies for the private
         incomes. Here all premiums are taken  insurers are actually ULIP policies.

          22  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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