Page 16 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 16

new policies. "The intent was higher in  wave, due to rising claims, risk of anti-  tank said as the government looks to
         emerging Asia (56%), particularly  selection and co-morbidities that are  expand the investor base and scale up
         India, Vietnam and China (70%) versus  triggered off due to Covid and can lead  instruments to operationalise its Rs 6-
         advanced Asia (average: 20%)," Swiss  to death. As a result, insurance  trillion asset monetisation pipeline.
         Re said.                           companies have made underwriting
                                            more stringent for group term policies, Max Life to expand its use
         The improved prospects for insurance
         are also reflected in the performance  and the pricing has also become more  of AI, ML to underwrite
         of non-life during the first quarter. Non-  expensive," said Vighnesh Shahane,  polices
         life insurers have registered a 14%  Managing Director and CEO, Ageas
         growth in gross premium during the  Federal Life Insurance.           Max Life Insurance, wants to leverage
         first quarter as demand for health                                    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
         insurance increased during the deadly NITI Aayog recommends           Learning (ML) to ensure that at least
                                                                               70-75 per cent of the policies are auto
         second wave of Covid.              streamlining of investment         underwritten for retail business, a top

                                            for insurance, pension             official said.
         Life Insurers review
                                            funds in InvITs                    This is part of the company's aspiration
         underwriting norms for                                                to build an industry-best underwriting
                                            The NITI Aayog has suggested
         group life policies                streamlining limits for investment by  capability that would help it manage
         Life insurance companies have      insurance and pension funds in     underwriting risks better without
         tightened underwriting norms for   infrastructure investment trusts   compromising on issuance speed to
         group life insurance policies and hiked  (InvITs) to promote active participation  customers, Manu Lavanya, Director
         premium in some cases after the    by investors to fund infrastructure  and Chief Operations Officer, Max Life
         second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic  (infra) projects.               Insurance, said.
         led to a surge in death claims.                                       Sharing the various facets of the AI/ML
                                            "The long-term nature of infra projects
         While many insurers are seeking    requires active participation from  initiatives of the company that are
         medical information or tests for such  investors looking at a similar return  being embedded in its underwriting
         policies, others have increased    profile from their investments.    and onboarding processes, he said
         premium rates between 15 per cent  However, the existing investment   currently, the company manages to do
         and 100 per cent.                  guidelines for insurance and pension  auto underwriting for about 55-60 per
                                                                               cent of policies. "We are also the only
         Group life insurance covers are often  funds limit the exposure of such funds  company in the industry that does auto
         taken by companies as an additional  to InvIT/real estate investment trust  underwriting for protection (policies),"
         perk for their employees.          (REIT) assets," the Aayog said in the  he said.
                                            guidebook    of   the    National
         Noting that Covid-related death claims  Monetisation Pipeline (NMP).  The key AI/ML initiatives that are
         are still pouring in following the second                             embedded in the processes of the
         wave of the pandemic, life insurers said  The investment limit for insurance  company are Vision AI for fraud
         group insurance policies have become  funds is currently capped at 3 per cent  detection of prospective sales to check
         challenging as they are not sure about  of fund size of the insurer, and 5 per  for existing comorbidities; Using ML for
         the exposure they have. Re-insurers,  cent of units issued by a single InvIT/  Diagnostic centre fraud detection;
         too, have increased the rates for such  REIT.                         Leverage of intelligent ICR and OCR for
         policies.                          Pension funds under the Employees'  seamless recognition of onboarding
         Sources said many companies are now  Provident Fund Organisation are also  documents and Intelligent analytics for
         finding it difficult to renew or purchase  regulated to invest up to a maximum  upfront auto underwriting of new
         such policies for employees due to the  of 5 per cent of the funds in InvIT/REIT.  business.
         high prices.                       Mutual funds can invest up to 10 per  "These initiatives are driving significant
         In many cases, insurers have also  cent of their assets under         improvement in straight-through
         withdrawn policies. "Group term    management in a single InvIT/REIT.  processing that in turn uplifts our
         policies have got risky since the  "These need to be streamlined to   ability to reduce issuance turnaround
         pandemic, especially after the second  ensure consistency," the policy think  time for the customers," he said. T

          16  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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