Page 33 - Insurance Times May 2022
P. 33

The market has evolved with each of these legislations.  and getting an approval is kept to a minimum of 30 days (file
         Insurance is a long- term business and it takes a while for the  and use period) since objections from the regulatory angle
         market to mature and support the economic growth of the  would be preempted. As an alternative the MDAA could apply
         country. But can the Indian market wait for another two  for approval from the IRDA and offer an approved product
         decades for development of essential support agencies to  for insurers to launch quickly.
         take place? What does the market require to aid companies
         in a competitive, regulated and open market environment?  Companies' ability to respond suitably to the dynamics of the
                                                              market, meeting regulatory, statutory and legal requirements
         The market today is getting fragmented with the entry of  could be possible with the least turnaround time. This would
         new insurance providers. As far as the private insurers are  be the base product. Companies using this service could of
         concerned, at this stage their premium turnover is too small  course modify the 'vanilla' product to suit their company
         to be taken as base for actuarial exercise. The Public sector  specific requirements. This being a purely statistical exercise
         companies have a wealth of legacy data, which lies in various  a large population size coupled with detailed data means
         dockets in India. Collecting and collating them for meaningful  better predictions. Predictions based on market data are a
         analyses at the time of detariffing motor and other products  lot more accurate than they it would be if based on data of
         is not an impossible task but is extremely time consuming,  a single company.
         difficult and expensive. The question is who will foot the bell
         for this initiative?                                 In a developing market like India it is all the more true,
                                                              especially for the new entrants who together have a market
         What is the way out for India? A possible road map for India  share of around 10 per cent. Besides, information for a
         to move to a market experience based rating is to begin  particular line of business, which is new to the company, can
         aggregating market data immediately. A market aggregator  be approached more confidently, armed with accurate market
         collects and aggregates detailed data from all the insurance  experience. This is true even in a large market like the US,
         companies and offers consolidated data back to the   where most insurance companies use the products and
         companies. This helps in better pricing, improved market  services provided by the market aggregator, Insurance
         segmentation, optimum reserve creation for unexpired risks  Services Office (ISO).
         and assists in product design.
                                                              The Insurance Services Office (ISO), a thirty two year old
         A market aggregator collects policy and claims information  organization in the US, is a popular provider of state approved
         from all the insurance companies in the market and   property and casualty products and services. They hire fellows
         consolidates the data. This is a highly specialized job. With  and associates from the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS),
         the huge database at their disposal Market Data Aggregating  Certified Property & Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) as well as
         Agencies (MDAA) can design policy coverage, analyze trends  certified professionals from Insurance Data Management
         and provide other data related services. The market gets to  Association (IDMA). They are also supported by legal,
         use consistent and sufficiently large data. This makes pricing  government and regulatory experts who analyze the effects
         a lot more accurate and enables insurers to offer preferential  of changing legislations and regulations on the business.
         ratings. Besides pure actuarial data an MDAA could offer
         policy wordings, new product designs, possible rating  ISO provides standardized wordings and coverage based on
         structures and underwriting rules.                   years of market data. This can either be used as is or
                                                              companies can modify them to suit their own requirements.
         This saves the industry's valuable resources and time.  Everyone, insurers, intermediaries and clients, benefit from
         Individual companies would have to duplicate the task at an  ISO with reduced costs, prevent fraud and support
         incremental price. Experts in the statistical, actuarial and  competition by providing comparative information to aid
         technology fields can be hired for the market as a whole. The  decision-making.
         best of talents can be afforded because of shared costs.
                                                              What can IRDA do? IRDA has two major roles to play,
         MDAAs help not only the insurers and regulators but also the  development of the insurance market and protection of
         customers who would have the confidence that they are  policyholders' interest. IRDA can facilitate the setting up of
         priced at an accurate rate based on past claim history and  an MDAA. Regulations require that certain data be submitted
         risk profile. The lag time between filing products with the IRDA  to the Authority. But a lot more detailed data is required to

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