Page 34 - Insurance Times May 2022
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be aggregated. This initiative has to begin immediately, when          Y Supports competitive pricing but
         the operations are small and easy to manage and maintain.                 ensures that the limits are not
         This way IRDA and the insurance companies become privy to                 crossed
         aggregated data. This could be handled by an external agency           Y Supports differential pricing
         with proper credentials and resources and enjoying IRDA's              Y Assists in predicting losses more
         confidence. This being a purely statistical exercise a large              accurately
         population size coupled with detailed data means better                Y Ensures policy wordings and
         predictions. Predictions based on market data are a lot more              coverages meet the legal and
         accurate than they would be if based on data of a single                  regulatory requirement
         company.                                                               Y Innovative product offerings
                                                               Intermediaries   Y Better pricing rationale for their
         In India the patronage of IRDA is required at this stage
         because nobody else is going to be able to manage and invest              clients
         in such a venture. This will definitely go on to be self-              Y Helps stay competitive
         sustaining.                                           Regulator        Y Confidence that products are
                                                                                   appropriately priced
         Proposition being funded by the insurance entities through a           Y Realise the objective of
         fee on products and data. There is no question about the                  developing the Indian market in
         confidentiality of the data being published because these will            a scientific manner
         be generic summarized data and not individual case history.            Y Since loss predictions are more
         For example, the MDAA will aggregate data on motor                        accurate appropriate
         vehicles insured in terms of models, makes, seating capacity,             reinsurance policies can be spelt
         driver profile and so on. The rate approval function of the               out
         IRDA would be a lot easier and meaningful if it had access to          Y Industry as a whole keeps
         authentic actuarial data. What are the benefits that the                  expenses low thereby supporting
         Indian market can look forward to with an MDAA?                           the growth of the market
                                                                                Y Easy to provide a benchmark
         Benefits rendered by MDAA:-                                               rate for the market
                                                               Clients          Y Gives confidence that the
          Insurance Entity  Benefits from an MDAA
                                                                                   products ore priced properly
          Insurers          Y Benefit of complete market data                   Y Gives a choice of coverages to
                            Y Shared costs of actuarial  analysis                  choose from
                            Y Quick turnaround time to react                    Y Access to newer products
                               to changing consumer,
                               regulatory, legal and statutory  In conclusion, the Indian insurance industry could get a boost
                               requirements.                  with access to detailed, accurate market data both historical
                            Y Reliable, accurate and sufficient  and current. It is important that this initiative is supported
                               data to take strategic decisions  all the way by all the participants. T

               Omicron: New mutant detected in COVID-19 patients in Delhi

           A new SARS CoV 2 mutant, BA. 2.12.1, related to the Omicron subvariant BA.2 but with other distinct changes, may
           be driving the current surge in COVID-19 cases in Delhi and surrounding districts, top sources in INSACOG, India’s
           coronavirus genomic surveillance project, told Moneycontrol. When contacted for an official version, Dr Sujeet Kumar
           Singh, director, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the agency under Union health ministry which is leading
           the INSACOG project, confirmed the detection of the variant in Delhi but did not elaborate more on this.
           Sources, however, said that the BA.2.12.1 variant has been detected in several samples from the national capital
           that underwent whole genome sequencing over the last few days. BA.2.12.1, along with BA.2.12, the other subvariant
           of Omicron BA.2, was recently identified by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in New York and a few other
           parts of the US and is said to be behind the rise in cases.

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