Page 29 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
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The Insurance Times

                     Marine Hull Circular

               M.Hull/Cir-2/2001                          We are, therefore, enclosing revised Annexures
                                                          D1, D2, D3 & Dr with the request that the existing
                                  Date : 20th June, 2001  ones be replaced suitably.
   Re: Marine Hull Insurance - New Rating                 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     Guidelines for Fixing Initial Rates on                             M-Hull/Cir-2 /2005
    Ocean-going Vessels - Effective Date :
                                                                                                    14th March, 2005
                                                            Re: De-tariffing of Marine Hull Insurance
This is further to our circular no. M. Hull/Cir-I/2001
dated 27th March 2001 enclosing the captioned             Insurers are hereby advised that all classes of
Guidelines at Annexcure 'A'                               Marine Hull Insurance stand de-tariffed in respect
                                                          of new business and renewals effective 1st April
We invite your attention towards the following            2005.

(i) 'Bulk Carriers' : Matrix for OTL rates                As a consequence, these classes of insurance
     applicable to vessels with H&M sum                   will come within the purview of the "File and Use"
     insured upto Rs.100 crores                           regulations, as applicable to non-tariff products, of
                                                          the Insurance Regulatory and Development
(Annexure B5)                                             Authority, with effect from 1st April 2005.

     OTL rates in respect of Bulk Carriers not over                                                             Secretary
     5 years of age and falling within different          ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Tonnage (DWT) groups have inadvertently not
     been incorporated in the said Matrix (please                       M.Cargo/Cir-1/2004
     refer Annexure B5).
                                                                                            Date : 3rd March, 2004
     Hence, we are enclosing a copy of the revised
     Annexure B5 showing the said rates. The                                 Sub.: a) Tea Tariff
     existing annexure may kindly be replaced
     with it.                                             b) Guidelines for Issuance of Policies to the
                                                               Coffee, Cardamom and Rubber Estates
(ii) TUGS/Supply Vessels/Anchor handling
     Tug-cum-supply vessels: Matrices for TL              c) Package Policy for Exporters covered under
     rates applicable to vessels with different                the Duty Exemption Scheme
     H&M sums insured (Annexure D1 to D4)
                                                          Insurers are hereby advised that the above
     Kindly note that the rate for vessels 'over 1000     mentioned classes of business shall stand
     but not over 2000' BHP relating to the age           detariffed in respect of new business and renewals
     group 'over 20 years', shown as 0.630% in            effective 1st April 2004.
     Annexure D1, should be corrected as
     0.830%. Since the subsequent Matrices                As a consequence, these classes of business will
     (Annexures D2, D3 & D4) are correlated, the          come within the purview of the "File and Use"
     corresponding rates in these Matrices would          regulations of the Insurance Regulatory and
     also undergo change.                                 Development Authority with effect from 1st April, 2004.


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