Page 25 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 25

The Insurance Times

                                    Annexure 'A"

      Rating Guidelines for Initial Rating of Ocean-going vessels (Effective Date 1.4.2001)
                  (Please refer TAC Circular M.Hull/Cir-1/2001 dated 26th March, 2001)

      Rating Guidelines for Initial Rating of Ocean-going Vessels (Effective Date 1.4.2001)

1. General:                                               but not exceeding Rs.125 crores.

u These Guidelines apply to all Ocean-going          3. H&M Sum Insured exceeding Rs.125 crores
     Vessels registered under the Merchant                but not exceeding Rs.150 crores
     Shipping Act 1935, irrespective of their Sums
     Insured and attaching to any existing or new    4. H&M Sum Insured exceeding Rs.150 crores
     fleet on or after 1.4.2001.                          but hot exceeding Rs.175 crores.

u These Guidelines are subject to the provisions     5. H&M Sum Insured exceeding Rs. 175 crores
     laid down in the Marine Hull Manual (amended         but not exceeding Rs.200 crores
     15.11.2000) insofar as applicable and hence,
     should be read in conjunction therewith.        6. H&M Sum Insured exceeding Rs.200 crores
                                                          but not exceeding Rs.250 crores
u Insurers are required to fix rates, on new
     attachments as per the procedure provided       7. H&M Sum Insured exceeding $s.250 crores
     herein on provisional basis and forward a duly
     completed Marine Hull Initial Rating (MHIR)     The rates contained in TL and OTL Matrices for
     form to the TAC for approval, as prescribed     various types of vessels are the Basic Rates for
     under Section II of the Manual. Such            certain Age groups and Tonnage/BHP groups
     applications should be submitted within 30      corresponding to:
     days from the date of attachment of risk and    1. Standard Trading Warranty viz. Institute
     Committee will advise the rates to the
     concerned insurer within 30 days from receipt        Warranties 1.7.76 (i.e. 'F'): and
     of the said application.
                                                     2. Standard Conditions of Insurance viz. Institute
2. Rating of Hull & Machinery (H&M)                       Time Clauses Hulls 1.10.83
                                                     Wherever the Trading Warranty and/or Conditions
     To arrive at the rates, a reference is to be    of Insurance of a new attachment are/is at
     made to the matrices of Total Loss (TL) and     variance with the above loading or discount, as
     Other than Total Loss (OTL) rates given as      under, is to be applied on the Basic Rates for
     annexures to these Guidelines which             Total Loss/Other than Total Loss:
     correspond to different types of Vessels and
     Sums Insured.                                   A. Standard Trading Warranty:

These matrices have been laid down for the                The Matrices have been prepared for the
following slabs of H&M Sum Insured:                       Institute Warranties 1.7.76 i.e. Trading
1. H & M sum Insured not exceeding Rs.100                 Warranty 'F'. * Wherever insurance for
                                                          restricted Trading Warranties is sought, the
     crores                                               relevant Matrix for "Other than Total Loss'
                                                          Rates be reduced to the following
2. H&M Sum Insured exceeding Rs.100 crores                percentages:

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