Page 22 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 22


                                       M.Hull/Cir-1/2001 dated 27th March 2001

Re: Marine Hull Insurance - New Rating Guidelines for Fixing Initial Rates on Ocean-going
                                           Vessels - Effective Date : 1-4-2001.

1. As the Insurers are aware, the TAC has been       (A) Rates :
     fixing initial rates on Ocean-going Vessels as
     per the procedure spelt out in the Rating       u The Matrices for basic Total Loss and Other
     Guidelines which came into force in the Indian       than Total Loss rates, currently being followed
     market on 1.4.1995.                                  in respect of different types of Ocean-going
                                                          Vessels (viz. Dry Cargo Vessels, Bulk
2. TAC has evolved new Rating Guidelines, which           Carriers, Tankers/O.B.Os etc.) have been
     will supersede the existing Rating Guidelines        retained for H&M Sums Insured upto Rs.100
     dated 1.4.1005. The new Rating guidelines            crores.
     will take effect from 1.4.2001.
                                                     u Additional Matrices for basic Total Loss and
3. The Rating Guidelines, effective 1.4.2001, are         Other than Total Loss rates have been evolved
     enclosed at Annexure 'A'.                            for different types of vessels with H&M Sums
                                                          Insured above Rs.100 crores. These Matrices
4. With the introduction of these Guidelines, all         are applicable for different ranges of Sums
     Ocean-going Vessels irrespective of Sum              Insured, as indicated therein.
     Insured, attaching to an existing fleet or
     brining into being a new fleet on or after      u It has been decided to retain the existing
     1.4.2001, shall be rated as per the provisions       provisions relating to modification in the basic
     contained in the said Guidelines.                    Total Loss and Other Than Total Loss rates
                                                          for the Conditions of Insurance and/or Trading
5. Insurers may note that these Guidelines                Warranty opted for a vessel being different
     would be subject to the provisions of the            from the standard ones.
     Marine Hull Manual (updated as on 15th
     November 2000) in so far as applicable.         u A combination of the Total Loss and Other
     Hence, these should be read in conjunction           than Total Loss rates modified as above, will
     therewith.                                           give the Hull & Machinery (H&M) rate of the
6. As these Guidelines would be applicable in
     respect of all Ocean-going Vessels,             u The existing provision for loading basic Total
     irrespective of their Sum Insured, the option        Loss and/or Other than Total Loss rates by a
     currently being exercised by the Insureds of         certain percentage for variation as compared
     obtaining facultative rates, terms and               to the Standard Value-per-Tonne/BHP has
     conditions on vessels with Sums Insured              been done away with.
     exceeding the relevant Automatic Reinsurance
     Capacity of the Indian market, would cease to   u Part II of the existing Guidelines, designed to
     exist from 1.4.2001.                                 arrive at the quotient of a fleet by taking into
                                                          account various factors indicative of the fleet's
7. The highlights of the Rating Guidelines are as         size, underwriting results etc. stands deleted.
                                                     u Part III of the existing Guidelines, designed to

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