Page 24 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 24

However, if the expiring deductible of a facultatively  (F) Time Limit for Submission of
rated vessel is found to be lower than what has             Application to TAC:
been decided for such a vessel, as shown under
5(b) of the enclosed Rating Guidelines, the             Effective 1.4.2001, Insurers are required to submit
expiring deductible would be enhanced taking into       their Initial Rating Applications, in prescribed formats,
account the factors of its age (if over 20 years)       to the Committee within 30 days from the date of
and Fleet Rating Level as applicable to vessels         commencement of risk and the Committee will advise
with H&M sums Insured upto Rs.100 crores, as            the rates to the concerned Insurer within 30 days
per the relevant provisions contained in the Marine     form the date of receipt of the said application.
Hull Manual, subject to the e maximum amount
as prescribed under 5(b) of the enclosed Rating         Whilst on this, the Committee has taken the
Guidelines.                                             opportunity to amend the wording of Rule 3D
                                                        contained under Section III: Renewals of the
(E) Compulsory  Valuation                     by        Marine Hull Manual, as under:

International Agencies:                                 3(D) Adjustment for change in figures:

u Insurers are required to insist on compulsory         Where the premium and/or claim figures submitted
                                                        with the previous renewal(s) underdog any revision
valuation for all vessels in the following cases:       subsequently, for any reason whatsoever, so that the
                                                        terms of such previous renewal )s) would have been
1. at the time of attachment to a fleet; and            affected, the rate is to be adjusted to what it would
                                                        have been, had the revised figures been available
2. at the time of change in its sum insured for         originally and the Formula for Renewal then applied."
     any reason other than currency fluctuation.
                                                        Insurers are requested to advise their operating
The valuation will be done by one of the                offices suitably in the above regard.
international agencies as per the enclosed list
(Annexure 'B').

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