Page 23 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 23

The Insurance Times

     determine the increase/decrease in the               Insurers will ensure that all vessels with sums
     modified Total Loss and Other than Total Loss        insured exceeding the Automatic Reinsurance
     rates (arrived at under Part I) as per the           Capacity of the Indian market, insured by them as
     Bonus/Malus Graph, also stands deleted.              per facultative quotes, become part of the
                                                          respective Committee-rated fleets at their expiring
u Parts II & III of the existing Guidelines have          conditions of insurance, deductibles, trading
     been substituted by a provision, whereby             warranties, net rates etc. on 1.4.2001 subject to
     Rating Level of the fleet to which a vessel is       the following:
     attaching, would be applied as under on the
     H&M Rate arrived at, as explained                    i) Rate :
     hereinabove.                                         The expiring facultative rates would be subject
                                                          to loading, if so warranted, by the same
u If the Fleet Rating Level is 100% or less: The          percentage as would be attracted by the
     entire Rating Level is to be applied on the          concerned fleet during the underwriting year
     H&M Rate of the new attachment.                      when the vessel attaches to it. However, no
                                                          discount would be allowed to such vessels at
u If the Fleet Rating Level as above 100%: Only           the time of becoming a part of the committee-
     the current year's penalty/reduction is to be        rated fleet, even if the fleet's Rating Level
     applied on the H&M Rate of the new                   otherwise so warrants.
                                                          However, rates on such vessel(s) would be
u It may be noted that the vessels would                  modified at subsequent renewals like any other
     continue to be rated as per the criterion of         vessel(s) of the fleet, as per the terms of such
     ownership.                                           subsequent renewals.

(B) Deductibles:                                          The premium and claim figures generated by such
                                                          vessels in the past would not be taken into
u The existing system of fixing Deductibles on            account at all. However, the premium and claim
     Ocean-going vessels with H & M Sums                  figures generated by them from the dates on
     Insured upto Rs.100 crores as contained              which they become part of the Committed-rated
     under Section II: Initial Rating : Rules 5.A&B       fleets, would be clubbed with the fleet's statistics
     of the Marine Hull Manual, has been retained.        for renewal and other purposes, if any, as and
     However, the maximum deductible amount for           when the renewal falls due.
     any vessel has now been fixed at Rs.30 lacs.
                                                          The vessels would be subject to Increase/
u For vessels with H&M Sum Insured above                  Decrease-in-Value Formula contained in the
     Rs.100 crores, new slabwise deductibles have         Marine Hull Manual, reckoning their TL rates at
     been laid down.                                      75% of the expiring net rate.

(C) Increase/Decrease in Sum Insured:                     ii) Deductibles:

u For abundant charity, it may be mentioned that          If the expiring deductible of a facultatively rated
     the provision contained in the Marine Hull Manual    vessel is found to be higher than the deductible
     (Section I: General Rules & Regulations: Rule        otherwise applicable to a vessel in that range of
     18) in the above regard, will apply to all vessels,  Sum Insured, as shown under 5(b) of the
     irrespective of their sums insured.                  enclosed Rating Guidelines, the same would be
u Rating of Vessels with Sums Insured
     Exceeding the Automatic Reinsurance
     Capacity of the Indian Market.

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