Page 47 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 47

The Insurance Times

Aviation Personal Accident (crew member)

1.Introduction                                         Table - A  Table - B  Table - C

 Sr.No Cover (Within twelve months of date             100% of CSI 100% of CSI 100% of CSI
          of accident)
                                                       Nil 100% of CSI 100% of CSI
 1 Death
                                                       Nil 50% of CSI 50% of CSI
 2 Loss of sight of two eyes/two
          limbs/one eye, one limb)                     Nil 1% of CSI for 1% of CSI for
          Loss of one limb or sight of one eye
                                                                  maximum 52 maximum 52
 3 Loss of one limb or loss of sight of one eye
                                                                  weeks      weeks
 4 Temporary total disablement
                                                       Nil 100% of CSI 100% of CSI
 5 Permanent total disablement caused
          otherwise than by loss of limbs or sight     Nil Nil               As per the %
                                                       Nil Nil               of CSI given below
 6 Permanent partial disablement                       Nil Nil               20
          i.Loss of toes all                           Nil Nil               5
          Great Both phalanges                                               2
          Great one phalanx                            Nil Nil               1

          Other than Great, if more than one toe lost  Nil Nil               50
          ii. Loss of Hearing                          Nil Nil               25
          Both ears                                    Nil Nil               40
          One ear
                                                       Nil Nil               35
          iii. Loss of four fingers and thumb
          of one hand                                  Nil Nil               25
          iv. Loss of four fingers                     Nil Nil               19

          v. Loss of thumb                             Nil Nil               6
          Both phalanges                               Nil Nil               4
          One phalange                                 Nil Nil               2

          vi. Loss of middle finger                    Nil Nil               5
          Three phalanges                              Nil Nil               4
          Two phalanges                                Nil Nil               2
          One phalange
                                                       Nil Nil               4
          vii. Loss of ring finger                     Nil Nil               3
          Three phalanges                              Nil Nil               2
          Two phalanges
          One phalange                                 Nil Nil               3
                                                       Nil Nil               2
          viii. Loss of little finger                  Nil Nil
          Three phalanges                                                    As assessed by
          Two phalanges                                                      Doctors.
          One phalange

          ix. Loss of meta carpuses
          First or second
          Third, Fourth or fifth
          x. Any other permanent partial disablement

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