Page 52 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 52
details, accident report, Certificate of Customer
Airworthiness/registration, Crew details, Pilots Association, Airlines
Maintenance & engineering information,
Passenger Manifest 2. The Insurance Cover
Basic Coverage
Aviation loss of Licence (Group) In the event of the persons insured suffering bodily
injury or illness resulting at any time whether
1. Introduction during or after the period of insurance (but not
beyond a period of five years after the expiry of
Product this insurance) in their incapacity then the
Operating pilots of aircraft are required to have compensation as detailed below is payable
valid licence. In the event of the Licence being
suspended on medical grounds such as illness, Definition
disease contracted or injury sustained during the Incapacity means any incapacity causing the
policy period, either temporarily or permanently, permanent total disablement or temporary total
the Loss of Licence policy provides for payment of disablement of the life assured.
compensation in case of disability. The policy
is not a general health insurance and does not Permanent Total disablement means any
cover expenses incurred for medical treatment disablement due to bodily injury or to illness,
and loss of revenue.
Item Number Type of Disablement Compensation
Item 1
Incapacity causing Permanent Total After deduction of any payments made under
Item 2 Disablement(otherwise than due to other items 3 or 4 the balance of One hundred per
psychosis or psychoneurosis or epilepsy) centum of the Capital Sum Insured
Item 3
Incapacity causing Permanent Total After deduction of any payments made under
Disablement due to psychosis or other items 3 or 4 the balance of eighteen
psychoneurosis or epilepsy per centum of the Capital Sum Insured
Incapacity causing Temporary Total At the rate per calender month for not more
Disablement (otherwise than due to than twelve months or up to the prior Death
psychosis or psychoneurosis or or Permanent Total Disablement of the Insured
epilepsy) Person . **In the case of Total Disablement of the
Person Insured of two per centum of the CSI
Item 4 Incapacity causing Temporary Total
Disablement due to psychosis or At the rate per calender month for not more
than twelve months or up to the prior Death or
Item 5 Legal and /or other costs incurred with Permanent psychoneurosis or epilepsy
consent of the Company Total Disablement of the Insured Person.**In
case of Total Disablement of the Person Insured
of one and half per centum of the CSI
Up to Rs 2000/-
* Liability of the Company will not exceed 100 per centum of the CSI
* No compensation is payable in respect of the first 90 days of the incapacity consecutively or in the
aggregate in any one year of insurance
** Company is entitled to withhold payment of the balance of the CSI for twelve calender months after
expiry of said 90 days but paying to the Person Insured compensation at the rates mentioned above
PH: 033 4007 8428 / 2218 4184, Email: 267