Page 49 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 49

The Insurance Times

and ranges from 0.40% to 1.00% and depends                                of aircraft at the locations mentioned in the
on the profession and the type of cover (on duty/                         schedule.
off duty)
Rate for 24 hours basis inclusive of on duty                              l Loss of property of the insured other than
                                                                               aircraft of others while being fuelled or re
Table of Benefits      A      BC                                               fuelled by the insured.
Pilots                 0.50%  0.75% 1.00%                                 l Bodily injury, property damage caused by any
Engineers/Technicians  0.40%  0.60% 0.80%                                      mechanically propelled vehicle on road traffic/
                                                                               any public highway and aircraft, used or
Excess deductible                                                              operated by or on account of insured.
Nil                                                                       l Liability for bodily injury to any person who at
                                                                               the time of sustaining such injury is engaged
4. Documents for Claims Settlement                                             in the service of the insured or acting on his
l Medical Report, Discharge Certificate from                                   behalf.
                                                                          l Liability assumed by the insured by
     the Hospital/Nursing Home                                                 agreement under any contract unless such
l Police Report, DGCA Report                                                   liability would have attached in absence of the
l Death Certificate ,Post Mortem Report, Death                                 agreement.

     Certificate                                                          Condition
l Certificate from Employer as to last use of                             l No liability shall be admitted without the

     Licence                                                                   consent of the insurer, who shall be entitled to
l Medical Certificate/Doctors Certificate on                                   take over and conduct the defence of any claim.

     PPD/PTD                                                              Extension/Add ons
l Any other document required to deal with PA                             None

     Claim                                                                Variants
------------------------------------------------------------------------  Aircraft hull, War and Allied Risk

Aviation Fuelling & Refuelling Liability                                  3. Underwriting Guidelines
                                                                          All proposals are to be referred to HO for approval
1. Introduction                                                           of rates and terms along with relevant details.

Product                                                                   Determination of sum insured/values to be
The policy covers bodily injury including death to                        The Sum Insured is the limits of indemnity to be
third party , or damage to property caused by                             selected by insured for any one occurrence and
accident arising out of insured's business as                             any one period limit separately for bodily injury
suppliers of aviation fuel including the fuelling                         and property damage.
and or refeulling of aircraft at the locations
mentioned in the schedule.                                                Rating/Pricing
                                                                          Rates are reinsurance driven and hence
2. The Insurance Cover                                                    reference has to be made to HO Technical / RI
Basic Coverage
The Policy covers bodily injury including death ,
or damage to property caused by accident
arising out of insured's business as suppliers of
aviation fuel including the fuelling and or refeulling

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