Page 6 - Banking Finance March 2022
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         the Equirus and the Federal Bank   that it will be a sovereign-backed fa-  The e-auction for Patna Bakthiyarpur
         team, in keeping with the spirit of col-  cility, a top government source said.  is scheduled to take place on February
         laboration. The investment strategy  Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman  23, and GOL Offshore on February 21.
         seeks to offer superior risk-adjusted-  in her budget speech last week talked  Genix Automations and Guru Ashish
         return for investors against the back-  about launching a central bank-backed  Texfab are to be auctioned on Febru-
         drop of rock bottom interest rates."  'digital rupee' soon.           ary 15, while e-auction for Steelco
                                            A top government source, who wished  Gujarat and Andhra Ferro Alloys is
         Indian Bank reports 34%            not to be identified said, the digital  scheduled for March 4.
         rise in Q3 profits to Rs.          currency issued by the RBI would be  SBI said these sales are subject to ap-
                                            numbered in units, just like every fiat  proval by the competent authority of
         690 crore                          currency has an unique number.     the bank.
         Indian Bank reported a 34 per cent  "The units issued in digital rupee would  The auction of Patna Bakthiyarpur Toll-
         year-on-year (YoY) rise in net profit at
                                            be included in the currency in circula-  way, Steelco Gujarat Ltd, Andhra Ferro
         Rs 690 crore for the December quar-
                                            tion. It would not be very different  Alloys, Genix Automations and Guru
         ter, despite a 21 per cent growth in
                                            from fiat currency. It would be more  Ashish Texfab will be held under Swiss
         provisions and contingencies. Net  like an electronic form of fiat currency,  Challenge Method, based on an exist-
         profit was Rs 514 crore in the year-ago  so in a sense it would be a  ing offer in hand, who will have the
                                            governmentmandated electronic wal-  right to match the highest bid, the
         The bank saw a 30 per cent rise in  let," the source said.            lender said.
         earnings from treasury operations,                                    Under the Swiss Challenge Method, an
         unlike most of its peers, helping its  The RBI has indicated that the digital
                                            rupee would be ready by the end of  interested bidder makes a proposal for
         profit numbers.
                                            next financial year, the source added.  a project (here asset). The seller puts
         Its net interest margin from domestic                                 the details of the project in public so
         operation was at 3.03 per cent for the  SBI to sell 6 NPAs with Rs.   that others can match it. After receipt
         December quarter against 2.89 per                                     of bids, the original contractor gets an
         cent for the preceding quarter. The 406cr dues                        opportunity to match the best bid.
         NIM was 3.13 per cent in the year-ago  SBI has lined up six non-performing  The interested ARCs/banks/NBFCs/FIs
         period.                            assets (NPAs) for sale to asset recon-  can conduct due diligence of these as-
         The bank's operating profit rose 16 per  struction companies (ARCs) to recover  sets with immediate effect, after sub-
         cent to Rs 3,288 crore for the quarter  dues of nearly Rs 406 crore.  mitting expressions of interest and ex-
         against Rs 2,846 crore in the year-ago  The six NPA accounts put up for sale to  ecuting non-disclosure agreements
         period. Net interest income was at Rs  the ARCs are -- Patna Bakthiyarpur  with the bank.
         4,395 crore compared with Rs 4,314  Tollway with outstanding of Rs 230.66  "We reserve the right not to go ahead
         crore over the same period. The bank  crore; Steelco Gujarat Ltd Rs 68.31  with the proposed sale at any stage,
         set aside Rs 2,493 crore for provisions  crore; GOL Offshore Ltd Rs 50.75  without assigning any reason. The de-
         and contingencies in the quarter under
                                            crore; Andhra Ferro Alloys Ltd Rs 26.73  cision of the bank in this regard shall
         review against Rs 2,061 crore it did
                                            crore; Guru Ashish Taxfab Rs 17.07  be final and binding," SBI said.
         earlier.                           crore and Genix Automations Pvt Ltd
                                            Rs 12.23 crore.                    Union Bank India's Q3 net
         India's digital currency de-
                                            "In terms of the bank's policy on sale  profit up 49% to Rs. 1,085
         but likely in 2023                 of financial assets, in line with the regu-
         India's very own official digital cur-  latory guidelines, we place the follow-  cr
         rency is likely to debut by early 2023,  ing accounts for sale to ARCs/banks/  State-owned Union Bank of India
         which will mirror any of the currently  NBFCs/FIs, on the terms and conditions  posted a 49 percent jump in net profit
         available private company-operated  indicated there against," SBI said in  to Rs 1,085 crore in the third quarter
         electronic wallets, but with a change  the sale notices for these assets.  ended December 31.

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