Page 7 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 7


         The bank had earned a net profit of Rs  "Our bank has disbursed Rs. 1.12 lakh  gestions, if any, to the RBI, sources
         727 crore in the corresponding quar-  crore in home loan and home related  said.
         ter of the previous financial year.  loans as on Jan 22 during the current
                                                                               The RBI in December extended the
         Its total income during the October-  financial year," the spokesperson said,  restrictions  on  Punjab  and
         December quarter of 2021-22 declined  responding to ET's query.       Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank
         to Rs 19,453.74 crore from Rs      About 40% of such disbursements    for another three months till the end
         20,102.84 crore in the corresponding  came from tier-1 cities while the rest  of March, 2022 as all necessary process
         quarter of the previous financial year,  has come from other cities and towns.  on the draft scheme for the takeover
         Union Bank of India said in a regulatory  The average ticket size of such loans is  was not complete.
         filing.                            said to be at Rs 34 lakh.          As per the Banking Regulation Act, the
         On the asset quality front, the bank's
                                            Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata,        draft scheme of amalgamation is re-
         gross non-performing assets (NPAs) fell
                                            Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and  quired to be placed before the govern-
         to 11.62 percent of the gross advances  Pune have a fair share of the disburse-  ment for its sanction and the Centre
         by the end of the December 2022 quar-
                                            ments.                             may sanction the scheme without any
         ter, compared with 13.49 percent by                                   modifications or with such modifica-
         the end of December 2020.          "The majority of this year's record dis-
                                            bursements took place between July  tions as it may consider necessary.
         However, net NPAs increased to 4.09
                                            and now as the infection virulence has
         percent, up from 3.27 percent at the  been gradually reducing," said one of India1 aims to roll out
         end of December 2020.
                                            the persons cited above.           20,000 ATMs
         Provisions and contingencies declined
                                            The bank has waived processing fees
         significantly to Rs 2,549.58 crore, com-                              IPO-bound India1 Payments Ltd, which
         pared with Rs 5,210.50 crore a year  until March 31 this year as the lender  is currently rolling out 300-400 ATMs
                                            is aiming to acquire more customers
         ago.                                                                  in a month, is hopeful of deploying over
                                            with an attractive rate of 6.7%. This  20,000 such machines in next 4-5 years
         SBI disburses Rs. 1.12 L           minimum rate may rise up to 20 basis  to ensure cash availability to custom-
                                            points depending on an individual's  ers in semi-urban and rural areas, its
         crore home loans till Janu-
                                            credit score as provided by CIBIL.  MD and CEO K Srinivas said.
         ary                                A customer can save anything between  "The hike in interchange fees by RBI
         State Bank of India has disbursed a  Rs 3,500 and Rs 10,000 on loan appli-  coupled with various structural growth
         record Rs 1.12 lakh crore of loans to  cations depending on the ticket size. It  drivers, including expected increase in
         individual home buyers until January  is pegged at 0.35% of the loan value.  cash withdrawal transactions, will ac-
         end in FY22 as demand for housing in
                                                                               celerate White Label ATMs deploy-
         the hinterland surged, helping it leap-
         frog specialist lenders in the mortgage  PMC Bank merger awaits       ments in the country," he said.
         business.                          approval                           The ATMs which are set up, owned
         This is a 20% growth over the corre-  The proposed merger of debt-ridden  and operated by non-bank entities are
         sponding period in FY21.           Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative  known as White Label ATMs (WLAs).
         Home loan disbursements have now   Bank with Unity Small Finance Bank  At present, the Bengaluru-headquar-
         surpassed pre-Covid levels, two indus-  (USFB) is being examined and the pro-  tered company operates a network of
         try sources told ET, underscoring the  cess of amalgamation will start after  10,300 WLAs and deploys its ATMs
         appetite for new homes among end   the government approval, sources   under the brand name of
         users.                             said.                              "india1ATMs".
         A spokesperson at SBI confirmed the  Various aspects of the scheme of amal-  It is the second largest ATM brand in
         development, saying the growth was  gamation have been examined and the  the semi-urban and rural areas after
         geographically broad-based.        government would soon send its sug-  State Bank of India (SBI). T

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