Page 12 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 12


         expenditure within the approved Re-  advance rulings Scheme, 2022', noti-  about 2.9 lakh crore under it. The gov-
         vised Estimate ceilings," it said.  fied by the Central Board of Direct  ernment may expand the validity of
         The government estimates a fiscal defi-  Taxes (CBDT), further provides that  the scheme by up to a year and the
         cit of 6.8 per cent of the gross domes-  hearing before the Board for Advance  overall loan cap by 10%, said a finance
                                            Rulings will be conducted through  ministry official.
         tic product (GDP) in the current finan-
                                            video conferencing/ video telephony,
         cial year ending on March 31.                                         The scheme was launched after the
                                            where taxpayers would be granted an
         Fiscal deficit is an indication of the                                national lockdown during the first Covid
                                            appropriate opportunity of being
         government's borrowing to meet the                                    wave to provide support to MSMEs
         shortfall between expenditure and re-                                 and has since been expanded to cover
         ceipts from taxes and other sources.  The advance ruling mechanism is pro-  other sectors such as aviation. As of
                                            vided in the Income Tax Act to provide  now, about 95% of the guarantees is-
         The memorandum further said the    upfront clarity to non-residents and  sued are for loans sanctioned to
         demand proposal should be made af-  certain other specified taxpayers, re-  MSMEs.
         ter a thorough review of savings within  garding the taxability of their transac-
         the Grant.                         tions in India under Indian I-T laws.  Govt panel for regular
         "In cases where re-appropriation can
                                            The scheme also provides that all com-  market approval
         be made without the requirement of  munications between the taxpayer/in-
         Supplementary as per the extant pro-                                  An expert panel of India's central drug
                                            come tax authorities and the Board for
         visions, no Supplementary proposal,  Advance Rulings will take place in elec-  authority recommended granting regu-
         including for a token amount, should                                  lar market approval to Covid vaccines
                                            tronic mode.
         be proposed.                                                          Covishield and Covaxin, which are cur-
                                            Every notice or order or any other elec-  rently only authorised for emergency
         "Such requirement may be met by re-
                                            tronic communication under this    use in the country, subject to certain
         appropriation of savings after obtain-
                                            scheme from the Board for Advance  conditions, official sources said.
         ing approval of competent authority,"  Rulings will be delivered to the appli-
         it said.                                                              Serum Institute of India (SII) and
                                            cant by sending an e-mail to the regis-  Bharat Biotech had submitted applica-
         The cases that will be eligible to be  tered email address of the applicant or  tions to the Drugs Controller General
         incorporated under such demands in-  his authorised representative.   of India (DCGI) seeking regular market
         clude those where advances from the  It also states that the applicant or the  authorisation for their respective
         Contingency Fund of India have been  authorised representative would file  COVID-19 vaccines Covishield and
                                            his response to any notice or order or  Covaxin, respectively.
         Besides, payments against court de-  any other electronic communication,  Prakash Kumar Singh, director (govern-
         cree will be included as well in cases  under this scheme, to the Board for  ment and regulatory affairs) at SII, had
         where the finance ministry has specifi-  Advance Rulings through his registered  submitted an application to the DCGI
         cally advised moving of supplementary  email address.                 on October 25 on this matter.
         demand in the budget session, it said.
                                            Govt weighs extension of Nifty India defence index
         No need for in-person ap-
                                            emergency credit scheme            rolled out
         pearance in I-T Advance            The government is examining a pro-  NSE Indices, the National Stock

         Ruling hearing                     posal to increase the validity of the  Exchange's index services subsidiary,
                                            Emergency Credit Line Guarantee    launched Nifty India Defence index,
         The finance ministry has notified the 'e-
                                            Scheme (ECLGS), which is now set to  which aims to track the performance
         advance rulings Scheme', enabling tax-
                                            expire in March.                   of portfolio of stocks that broadly rep-
         payers to file their application for ad-
         vance ruling through e-mail, a move  The scheme offers government guar-  resent the Defence theme.
         that will majorly benefit non-resident  antees for up to 4.5 lakh crore of loans,  From the Nifty Total Market index,
         assesses in such proceedings. The 'e-  and banks have so far sanctioned  stocks forming part of the defence,

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