Page 13 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 13


         aerospace, explosives and ship building  nance to take immediate action to  mobile phone based, this app will be
         basic industries or those which obtain  address the long festering problem.  helpful in easily accessing the relevant
         at least 10 per cent of revenues from                                 information. I am sure that in coming
         the defence industry are eligible to be  Over 16K died by suicide     times this App will be popular among
         included in the index. Stock weights in                               the investors especially the young
         index are based on their free-float  due to bankruptcy in 3           ones."
         market capitalisation and will be  years: Govt
         capped at 20 per cent each.                                           GST official bust fake tax
                                            Over 16,000 people died by suicide due
         The index is expected to act as a  to bankruptcy or indebtedness while  credit racket
         benchmark for asset managers and be  9,140 people ended their lives due to  Goods and Services Tax (GST) officials
         a reference index tracked by passive  unemployment between 2018 and
         funds in the form of Exchange Traded  2020, Rajya Sabha was informed.  have bust a tax credit racket and ar-
         Funds (ETFs), index funds and struc-  Union Minister of State for Home  rested the proprietor of a metal trad-
         tured products, NSE said in a release.                                ing firm, the finance ministry said in a
                                            Nityanand Rai said 5,213 people died  statement.
         The base date for the index is April 2,  by suicide due to bankruptcy or indebt-
         2018, and base value is 1000. Index  edness in 2020, 5,908 in 2019 and  Officials of the Central GST
                                                                               Commissionerate in Navi Mumbai de-
         reconstitution will be done on a semi-  4,970 in 2018.
         annual basis.                                                         tected that the firm engaged in trad-
                                            A total of 3,548 people died by suicide  ing of scrap of ferrous, aluminum, cop-
                                            due to unemployment in 2020, 2,851  per and other metals allegedly availed
         21% indirect texes hitting
                                            in 2019 and 2,741 in 2018, he said re-  of and passed on input tax credit
         airlines hard: IndiGo CEO          plying to a written question.      fraudulently on the basis of bogus in-
         The civil aviation industry has to pay 21                             voices of more than Rs. 60 crore, the
         per cent of its revenues as indirect SEBI launches app for in-        statement said.
         taxes and this "unreasonable proposi-  vestors                        A team of officers held an enquiry into
         tion" is resulting in a chronically ill sec-                          the firm and arrested the proprietor
                                            Markets regulator Securities and Ex-
         tor, IndiGo CEO Ronojoy Dutta said.                                   for alleged offences under CGST Act.
                                            change Board of India (SEBI) launched
         Dutta requested the Ministry of Fi-  "Saa?thi" - a mobile app on investor  He was produced before a magistrate
         nance to reduce central excise taxes  education in Mumbai. The new app  and has been sent on judicial custody
         on fuel from 11 per cent to 5 per cent                                for 14 days, the statement said quot-
                                            aims to create awareness among inves-
         and eliminate custom duties on aircraft                               ing Prabhat Kumar, commissioner of
                                            tors about the basic concepts of the
         repair parts.                                                         CGST and Central Excise at Navi
                                            securities market.
         Civil aviation provides efficient infra-                              Mumbai.
                                            Additionally, the app will also explain
         structure, critical for economic growth  about KYC process, trading and settle-  The regulatory action in this case is a
         and employment in our country, he said  ment, mutual funds (MF), recent mar-  part of an anti-evasion drive by the
         in a statement.                                                       Mumbai Zone officials, the statement
                                            ket developments, investor grievances
         "Yet civil aviation pays 21 per cent of  redressal mechanism, etc, the market  said. As a part of this drive, Navi
         its revenues to the government in in-  regulator said in a press release.  Mumbai Commissionerate has detected
         direct taxes with very little input                                   tax evasion of more than Rs. 450 crore
         credit," Dutta said.               Launching the app, SEBI chairman Ajay  and recovered Rs. 20 crore and arrested
                                            Tyagi said, "This mobile app is yet an-  12 persons recently, it said.
         "This unreasonable proposition is re-  other initiative of SEBI with a view to
         sulting in an industry that is chronically  empowering investors with knowledge  EPFO may invest in pvt
         ill and is unable to live up to its true  about securities market. With the re-
         potential of boosting commerce and  cent surge in individual investors enter-  corporate bonds
         employment," he said.              ing the market, and more importantly  Looking to maximise yields, the Em-
         Dutta requested the Ministry of Fi-  a large proportion of trading being  ployees' Provident Fund Organisation

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