Page 15 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 15


         capital infusion, including risk capital,  nized startups spread across 55 indus-  Cross-border trade a prior-
         the minister said, according to the  tries, with 45% of them from tier-II
         ministry of commerce and industry.  and tier-III cities, and 45% of then hav-  ity for MSMEs
         The roundtable organized by the de-  ing at least one woman director, the  As small and medium businesses in In-
         partment for promotion of industry  ministry said.                    dia learn to cope with changing mar-
                                                                               ket scenarios due to the ongoing pan-
         and internal trade (DPIIT), was held  The startup fraternity should nurture
         through video conference as part of  75 more unicorns in 2022, Goyal had  demic, there has been a significant in-
                                                                               crease in their participation in online
         the Startup India Innovation Week.  said at the inaugural ceremony of the
                                                                               selling, social commerce and cross-bor-
         More than 75 VC fund investors from  Startup India Innovation Week, earlier  der trade. As per a recent survey, 9 in
         across the US, Japan, Korea, and   this week.                         10 MSMEs say cross-border trade is a
         Singapore, as well as some global funds
                                                                               key area for business growth and 2 out
         domiciled in India, participated in the  Govt to infuse Rs. 1,500 cr  of 3 MSMEs use social media as sales
         deliberations. These funds, which have                                channel today.
         a combined asset under management in IREDA to step up RE
                                                                               The survey by PayPal India in partner-
         of more than $30 billion in India, made  funding
         several suggestions to boost the senti-                               ship with Edelman Data and Intelli-
         ment of investors in the sector.   The Cabinet cleared equity infusion of  gence, aims to understand how Indian
                                            Rs 1,500 crore into IREDA (Indian Re-  MSMEs have adapted during the pan-
         The government has taken several   newable Energy Development Agency)  demic by adopting a digital-first ap-
         steps to support startups and would  to boost its lending capacity as the  proach while leveraging the global
         continue to come up with more mea-  government targets ssetting up of 450  opportunity and their key priorities to
         sures. The government has undertaken  GW green energy capacity as part of  scale up.
         49 regulatory reforms to enhance the  fulfilling its COP26 net-zero promise.  The MSME Digital Readiness Survey
         ease of doing business, ease of raising
                                            The equity infusion will enhance   2021 was conducted between October
         capital, and to reduce the compliance                                 to November 2021. The respondent
         burden, to support the startup ecosys-  IREDA's net worth, boosting the
                                            agency's lending capacity to Rs 12,000  included small businesses and with 250
                                            crore. This amount will be good    business decision markers of India's
         The roundtable was held to discuss the  enough for financing up to 4,000 MW  SME with annual turnover ranging
         progress of the Indian startup-VC eco-  of additional renewable capacity. This  from Rs 5 crore to Rs 250 crore. The
         system, as well as insights on impact  will lead to a reduction in carbon emis-  businesses show an average turnover
         investing, India's global outlook, and  sion of more than 7 million tonnes CO2  of Rs 123 crore and an average em-
         opportunities for VC investments in the  per year.                    ployee size of 386 persons. The sample
         country.                                                              endorses a mix of industry, mainly com-
                                            IREDA's portfolio increased from Rs  prising the services (36%), production
         The meeting covered topics such as  8,800 crore to Rs 28,000 crore in the
         'building for the world from India', Digi-  last six years. But according to RBI  (28%) and retail and hospitality (16%)
         tal India outlook, regulatory updates  norms, loans can be extended on 20%  sector.
         for global and domestic funds, oppor-  of the agency's net worth. This rule  The survey highlighted that after two
         tunities in India, and 'Vision for India  capped IREDA's financing capacity to  years since Covid-19 hit the country,
         at 2047'. It also covered major regula-  Rs 600 crore as its net worth is Rs  more than half of small businesses
         tory issues that need to be addressed  3,000 crore.                   (52%) witnessed a positive impact on
         with the Centre.                                                      their business once economies began
                                            The additional equity will also improve  to reopen. In fact, 29% of the MSMEs
         The meeting was also attended by   the capital-to-risk weighted assets ra-  found that the business environment in
         Anurag Jain, secretary, DPIIT, major  tio (CRAR), which will facilitate its lend-  India became more favourable for
         Indian regulators, and policymakers.  ing and borrowing operations, accord-  online sales and for 31% the cross-bor-
         India has more than 61,000 recog-  ing to a government statement.     der opportunity was promising. T

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