Page 18 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 18


         USD 1 billion per mutual fund, within  not incorporating the clauses pertain-  "We have seen investors now being
         the overall industry limit of USD 7 bil-  ing to its tool to pick stocks in the  more mature and willing to continue
         lion," Sebi had said.              scheme information document (SID) of  their SIPs despite market ups and
                                            the new fund offer (NFO).          downs. Investors who have come in
         Mutual fund distributor            The Securities and Exchange Board of  over last 4-5 years have seen the ben-
                                                                               efits of staying invested in equities and
         launches Rs. 100 daily SIP         India has also asked the fund house to  see through market volatility," says
                                            change its "Stress Tested Mutual Fund"
         for people in rural areas          tagline.                           Neil Parikh, chief executive officer of
                                                                               PPFAS MF.
         Mutual fund distribution platform,  Existing unit holders have the option to
         ZFunds, introduced the launch of Rs.  exit the scheme before February 24  The stock markets have been volatile
         100 daily mutual fund SIP, which is                                   and this may be holding back some in-
                                            without any exit load and the regula-
         conceptualised particularly for people  tor has directed the fund house to pay  vestors from opening fresh SIP ac-
         residing in rural areas and small cities.                             counts.
                                            interest at the rate of 15% a-year to
         The initiative is launched in collabora-  such unit holder from the date of clo-  "The surpluses with investors tend to
         tion with ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund,  sure of the NFO till date of the pay-  be low around Jan-March period as
         HDFC Mutual Fund, and Tata Mutual  ment.                              they are making their  tax-planning
         Fund, ZFunds mentioned in a press re-                                 investments in equity linked saving
                                            The fund house launched the NFO of its
         lease.                                                                schemes or insurance policies. So, fresh
                                            maiden scheme, Samco Flexi Cap Fund,
         Also, the corporate is in talks with a  last month. The stock pick is based on  account opening numbers can fluctu-
         number of different fund homes to  an in-house proprietary investment  ate depending upon market conditions
         counterpoint its product suite.    framework, called the Hexashield   and other factors, what is important is
                                                                               to see the SIP contributions coming
         Through this providing, ZFunds goals to  Framework, which shortlists compa-  into the industry," points out Rajiv
         deal with the necessity hole current in  nies on six parameters: competitive
                                                                               Shastri, chief executive officer of NJ
         tier-2, tier-3 and tier 4 cities the place  strength and pricing power, balance  MF.
         people earn on a daily foundation as a  sheet and insolvency, reinvestment
         substitute of getting a month-to-  and growth, corporate governance   The monthly SIP contributions to mu-
         month earnings.                    and leadership, cash flow and regula-  tual fund industry has been growing
         The funding quantity as little as Rs. 100  tory compliance.           steadily. In January, monthly SIP con-
                                                                               tributions stood at Rs 11,516 crore,
         will assist daily wage earners and small                              which was about two percent higher
         enterprise house owners to begin their Mutual fund industry           than previous month.
         funding journey from their daily earn-  crosses five-crore-SIPs-
         ings, ZFunds mentioned.                                               Financial planners say that it is impor-
                                            mark for the first time            tant that investors continue their SIPs
         Within a brief span of time, ZFunds has
         registered greater than 3,000 daily  The systematic investment plans (SIPs)  during market volatility.
         systematic funding plans (SIPs) on its  in mutual fund (MF) industry crossed  "SIPs give investors the benefit of ru-
         platform and goals to achieve 1 lakh  the five crore-mark in January even as  pee cost averaging. So, when markets
         daily SIPs by finish of FY23.      market volatility pulled back the inves-  correct investors accumulate higher
                                            tor flows received by equity schemes.  number of units at lower prices and
         Sebi pulls up Samco MF for         The MF industry saw 26 lakh new SIPs  when markets rally they fetch lesser
         calling its scheme a 'pure'        being opened in January, showed AMFI  units at higher price in the same SIP,"
                                                                               says Amol Joshi, founder of Plan Rupee
                                            data. This was higher than the average
         equity fund                        24 lakh SIPs added by industry in past  Investment Services.
         The capital markets regulator has  five months, industry executives say  This helps investors to keep their aver-
         pulled up Samco Mutual Fund, a new  the long-term trends indicate that in-  age buying price lower and also allows
         entrant to the market, for calling its  vestors now understand the impor-  them to build a large corpus over time
         maiden scheme a pure equity fund and  tance of SIPs.                  through staggered investments. T

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