Page 16 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 16


                            Mutual Fund                                                    News

         Sebi directs AMCs to form          "The Audit Committee of the AMC shall  money into equity mutual funds in Janu-
                                            be responsible for oversight of financial  ary for the eleventh straight month,
         audit committee from Au-           reporting process, audit process,  but flows were lower compared to

         gust                               company's system of internal controls,  December as sharp swings in the stock
         Markets regulator Sebi has asked as-  compliance to laws and regulations and  market led to heightened caution. Eq-
         set management companies (AMCs) to  other related process, with specific  uity schemes garnered 14,888 crore in
         form audit committees which will be  reference to operation of its Mutual  January as against 25,077 crore in
         responsible for oversight of financial  Fund business," Sebi said in its circular.  December. Collections through sys-
         reporting process, audit process and  The regulator has laid down detailed  tematic investment plans (SIPs) in-
         compliance with laws and regulations,  powers and responsibilities of the com-  creased to another record high of
         among others.                      mittee with respect to financial report-  11,517 crore as against 11,306 crore
                                                                               in the previous month.
         The circular will come into force with  ing, audit (internal and statutory) and  Debt mutual funds too saw inflows of
         effect from August 1, 2022. Currently,  internal controls, regulatory compli-  5,088 crore, taking the industry's total
         audit committee exists at the level of  ance and other functions.     assets under management (AUM) to
         trustees of mutual funds.          The internal auditor has to submit its  an all-time high of 38.89 lakh crore,
         Sebi said the decision has been taken  report to the audit committees of AMC  compared to the previous month's
         after taking into account the recom-  and the board of AMC, Sebi said.  37.92 lakh crore.
         mendation of Mutual Fund Advisory  The committee shall forward their ob-  Fund officials and analysts said inves-
         Committee and the feedback received  servations on internal audit report, if  tors were more cautious in January. In
         from the industry and has come out  any, to the trustees, it added.   December, the record flows of 25,077
         with detailed outline for role, respon-                               crore were also on account of large
         sibility, membership and other features  Equity fund inflows slow     collections by three new fund offers.
         of the Audit Committee of AMC.
                                            from December high, SIPs           "Concerns over 'new' variants across
         Mandate of the committee is to review                                 Agencies the globe, relatively high valu-
         the financial reporting processes, the hit new record                 ations and rising inflation have likely led
         system of internal controls and the  Most equity scheme categories got  to a reduction in the magnitude of
         audit processes for the mutual fund  inflows, with flexicap funds getting the  flows over the past month," says
         operations of the AMC.             highest flows of Rs. 2,527 crore fol-  Kavitha Krishnan, senior analyst - man-
         Besides, it would be required to ensure  lowed by sectoral funds at Rs. 2,073  ager research, Morningstar India.
         that the rectifications, if any, suggested  crore and large-cap funds at Rs. 1,890  The resilience in flows into equity mu-
         by internal and external auditors,  crore.                            tual funds was despite selling by foreign
         among others, are acted upon.      Individual investors continued to pour  institutions, who dumped stocks to the

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