Page 20 - Banking Finance March 2022
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         the money of the depositors, who are  Other Restrictions on UCBs and Board  the High Court permitting the State
         from both the cooperative and private  of Directors - UCBs.           government to go ahead, Cooperation
         sector, is safe and secure."       RBI also fined Mula Sahakari Bank Ltd.,  Minister V.N. Vasavan's office said in a

         National Federation of State Coopera-  Sonai, Ahmednagar, Rs 25,000 for non-  statement.
         tive Banks (NAFSCOB) Managing Direc-  adherence with directions issued by  The decision is to go ahead with the
         tor and International Cooperative  RBI to Urban Co-operative Banks on  merger at the earliest with the ap-
         Banking Association President Bhima  Exposure Norms & Statutory/Other  proval of the Reserve Bank of India,
         Subrahmanyam said that the RBI draft  Restrictions-UCBs.              the department said. Only the
         scheme for merger of PMC bank with  Lastly, RBI imposed a Rs 1 lakh penalty  Malappuram district cooperative bank
         bigger Urban Cooperative Banks would  on Jila Sahakari Kendriya Bank  had stood apart when the Kerala Bank
         have been more desirable.          Maryadit, Shivpuri for "contravention  was created through the merger of 13
                                            of/ non-compliance with the provisions  district cooperative banks.
         RBI slaps fines on 5 banks         of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949  The merger had replaced the three-
         totalling Rs 6.35 lakh for         (the Act) and directions issued by the  tier system with a two-tier system, an
                                            Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Know  arrangement which guaranteed better
         violating directions               Your Customer (KYC)."              interest rates and profits to the coop-

         The Reserve Bank of India imposed  RBI has explained its actions are based  erators, according to the department.
         penalties totalling Rs 6.35 lakh against  on deficiencies in regulatory compli-  The reluctance of the Malappuram
         five banks for violating certain direc-  ance and is not intended to pronounce  bank to be part of the merger pre-
         tions issued by the central bank.  upon the validity of any transaction or  vented the extension of modern bank-
                                            agreement entered into by the banks  ing facilities that were introduced in
         The five banks are - Hyderabad District
         Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd; Jila  with their customers.            the Kerala Bank.
         Sahakari Kendriya Bank Maryadit,   In all cases, the discrepancies were  Chennai Central Co-op
         Gwalior; Vyavsaik Sahakari Bank Lim-  revealed in the inspection report of the
         ited, Raipur; Mula Sahakari Bank Ltd.,  banks based on their financial position Bank penalized
         Sonai, Ahmednagar and Jila Sahakari  as on March 31, 2020. RBI has issued  The Reserve Bank of India has imposed
         Kendriya Bank Maryadit, Shivpuri .  a notice to the banks advising them to  a monetary penalty of Rs 1 lakh on
                                            show cause as to why penalty should  Chennai Central Co-operative Bank
         RBI imposed a fine of Rs 2 lakh on
         Hyderabad District Co-Operative Cen-  not be imposed for non-compliance  Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
                                            with the directions.
         tral Bank violating certain directions                                The bank was penalized for non-adher-
         issued by RBI contained in the "Circu-  After considering the banks' replies and  ence of certain directions issued by RBI
         lar on 'Income Recognition, Asset Clas-  oral submissions made during personal  contained in the Circular on 'Income
         sification and Provisioning- Recognition  hearing, RBI came to the conclusion  Recognition, Assets Classification, Pro-
         of Loan Impairment by State / Central  that the aforesaid charges of non-com-  visioning and Other Related Matters
                                            pliance with RBI directions were sub-  dated June 22, 1996.
         Co-operative Banks dated December
         30, 2002," read an official statement  stantiated and warranted imposition of  This penalty has been imposed in ex-
                                            monetary penalty.
         issued by the RBI.                                                    ercise of powers vested in RBI under
         RBI slapped a Rs 10,000 fine on Jila Malappuram district coop.        and after taking into account the fail-
         Sahakari Kendriya Bank Maryadit,   bank merger soon                   ure of the bank to adhere to the afore-
         Gwalior for contravention of directions                               said directions issued by RBI.
         issued by the RBI on Know Your Cus-  The Malappuram district cooperative  This action is based on deficiencies in
                                            bank will soon merge with the Kerala
         tomer (KYC). The same day RBI also                                    regulatory compliance and is not in-
                                            Bank, the Cooperation Department
         imposed a Rs 3 lakh fine on Vyavsaik                                  tended to pronounce upon the validity
         Sahakari Bank Limited, Raipur for fail-  said.                        of any transaction or agreement en-
         ing to comply with directions issued by  The legal hurdles which had prevented  tered into by the bank with its custom-
         RBI on Exposure Norms and Statutory/  the merger had been removed with  ers, clarified RBI. T

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