Page 25 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 25
Abstract of the article
The Coronavirus pandemic has taught us many lessons & one of the most important lessons for the organization is to
assess regularly "How prepared are we to bounce back". Individual resilient behavior is needed when an organization
is in crises or in transformation. Without individual resilient behavior, it is difficult for an organization to be resilient.
This article highlights the role of human resource department in building individual resilient behavior which in turn
results in Organizational Resilience.
The Pandemic has taught us many lessons & one specific crises, they can also anticipate upcoming changes
of the most important lessons for the organization and prevent their business from being adversely affected by
is to assess regularly "How prepared are we to those changes. Individual resilient behavior is needed when
an organization is in crises or in transformation. Without
bounce back".
individual resilient behavior, it is difficult for an organization
to be resilient. The role of human resource department is
Introduction very important for developing an employee's resilience,
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficulty. An which in turn will result in organizational resilience and
organization's resilient behavior or ability to respond to organizational sustainability.
challenging situation is a strategic aspect of the
organization. Resilient organizations do not only respond to When business impacted adversely, it is the people that
make recovery and victory possible. What the organizations
About the author are giving to their people, it revert back to the organizations
in terms of better output and better productivity. We have
learnt this lesson from the widespread pandemic Covid 19.
Akhilesh Shukla The industries and organizations, those has taken proactive
Senior Manager measure to protect their people in this pandemic, has
Union Bank of India recovered early and moved on the growth trajectory once