Page 22 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 22


         that the law of inheritance would ap-  which the daughters were not given  Telecom Ventures as well as Deutsche
         ply to partition of properties even if  any share and could result in the  Telekom.
         the father had died intestate before  daughter's heirs seeking to reclaim  Government sources declined com-
         1956.                              their rights over the properties.  ment on the development. Bengaluru-
         A bench of Justices S Abdul Nazeer and  Accepting arguments of advocate P V  based Devas has won several arbitral
         Krishna Murari gave the judgment and  Yogeswaran, counsel for the woman  awards over the cancelled satellite
         said selfacquired properties of a per-  petitioner, the bench said succession of  deal with Antrix Corp, the commercial
         son, who died intestate in 1949, would  properties prior to 1956 would also in-  arm of the Indian Space Research
         devolve on his sole daughter, despite  clude the daughter's right.    Agency dating back to 2011.
         the man admittedly living in a joint                                  This includes a $1.3 billion award (in-
         family, and could not have passed on French court orders freez-       cluding interest and chargers) order at
         to the deceased person's brother on  ing of €3.8m Indian asset        the International Chamber of
         the basis of the survivorship law in                                  Commerce's court of arbitration in
         force prior to 1956 and upon his death on Devas' Plea                 2015. The French court order reveals
         to his children.                   A French court has granted a plea by  that three investors CC/Devas
         Writing the judgment, Justice Murari  shareholders of satellite maker Devas  Mauritius, Telcom Devas Mauritius and
         said, "Since the property in question  Multimedia claiming rights over a Paris  Devas Employees Mauritius Pvt Ltd
         was admittedly the self-acquired prop-  apartment that houses India's Deputy  sought the seizure of Indian govern-
         erty of Marappa Gounder, despite the  Chief of Mission in a bid to enforce a  ment assets to enforce the contested
                                            $1.3 billion arbitration award in the  arbitration award.
         family being in state of jointness upon
                                            decade-long legal battle over a can-
         his death intestate, his sole surviving                               In 2021, Devas's overseas shareholders
         daughter Kupayee Ammal will inherit  celled satellite deal.           approached courts in the US, Canada
         the same by inheritance and the prop-  The court awarded the lien - a legal  and elsewhere, accusing India of fail-
         erty shall not devolve by survivorship."  right over assets to cover debts - on  ing to honour the arbitral awards and
                                            September 25, 2021, according to a  seeking to capture the country's assets
         Referring to the ancient texts and
         Smritis, Justice Murari said, "It is clear  copy of the court order reviewed. The  abroad. They also hired former Elliott
         that ancient text as also the Smritis,  upscale apartment in Paris's 16th  Management executive Newman to
         the commentaries written by various  arrondissement is valued at €3.8mil-  help collect the arbitral awards.
         renowned learned persons and even  lion, Devas said in a statement.   Earlier this month, a Canadian court
         judicial pronouncements have recog-  "India has assets like this all over the  authorised the seizure of assets belong-
         nized the rights of several female  world. This is just the beginning. We're  ing to the Airport Authority of India
         heirs, the wives and the daughter's  planning many more seizures," Jay  and Air India held with the Interna-
         being the foremost of them." This  Newman, senior adviser to Devas    tional Air Transport Association (IATA)
         could potentially open up disputes over  Shareholders, a group that includes US  in the Quebec province and interna-
         properties partitioned prior to 1956 in  investment firms Columbia Capital and  tionally. T

             Hyderabad: Crooks used 'hi-tech tools' to hack Mahesh bank server
           Cyber fraudsters who siphoned off 12 crore from AP Mahesh Co-Operative Urban Bank have used sophisticated hacking
           tools and even compromised the cell phone security of three account holders, believe investigators. Of the three account
           holders, police managed to lay their hands on one customer, Vinod Kumar, who claimed he was unaware the fraudsters
           used his bank account as a launchpad to transfer siphoned off funds to multiple bank accounts across the country.
           The investigators now believe that the fraudsters who gained access to the server of the bank strategically on a non-
           working day, have somehow managed to gain access to the three customer accounts. "In The Telangana State Co-
           operative Apex Bank Limited (TSCAB) hacking case, the Nigerian fraudsters lured three account holders to provide
           their bank account access details for money transfer through IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) channel by offering

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