Page 14 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 14


         (EPFO) is likely to start investing again  mobility picking up and fossil fuel con-  PV exports from India
         in corporate bonds issued by private  sumption declining over time.
         sector companies, after a gap of over                                 jumps 46%
                                            That would mean more services such
         two years.                         as electric vehicle charging stations  Passenger vehicle exports from India
                                                                               increased 46 per cent in the first nine
         As per the current investment pattern,  and service centres emerging as
                                                                               months of the current fiscal year, with
         the EPFO can invest up to 20 per cent  sources of GST collections, while an
         of its annual incremental deposits -  emphasis on tax compliance in domes-  Maruti Suzuki India leading the seg-
         around Rs 36,000 crore at present - in  tic transactions and a wider tax base  ment with dispatches of around 1.68
                                                                               lakh units, as per the latest data by
         corporate bonds. But the investments  helps make up for the lower usage of
         have in recent years been restricted to  fossil fuels for revenue collections.
         bonds of public sector companies.                                     The total passenger vehicle (PV) ex-
                                            In an interview, the CBIC chairman said
                                                                               ports stood at 4,24,037 units in April-
         Options like when to invest in private-  that compliance improvement mea-
         sector bonds and when and how to   sures taken by the department are al-  December 2021-22 as compared with
         exit from such investments were dis-  ready showing in GST collections.  2,91,170 units in the same period a
                                                                               year ago.
         cussed at the retirement fund body's
         Finance Investment and Audit Commit-  Digital Advt spend to hit       Passenger car shipments saw 45 per
         tee (FIAC) meeting.                                                   cent growth at 2,75,728 units while
                                            $753b: Study                       utility vehicle exports rose 47 per cent
         "No concrete decision has been taken
         today. We have been discussing the is-  Global digital advertising spending will  at 1,46,688 units during the period
         sue since last couple of meetings and  increase from $407 billion in 2022 to  under review, the data by the Society
                                            $753 billion in 2026. These figures cor-  of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
         today, we extended that discussion
                                            respond to an increase of 85%. The  showed.
         and deliberated from various angles of
         risk versus gain and on aspects of such  forecast also says that by 2026, mobile  Export of vans nearly doubled to 1,621
                                            app revenue will account for 56% of
         investments," said K E Raghunathan, a                                 units in April-December 2021-22 as
         FIAC member and also a member of   the total.                         compared with 877 units in the same
         the Central Board of Trustees (CBT),  Analysts say that while the privacy  period last fiscal year.
         the highest decision-making body of  changes adopted by Apple and Google  Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) led the seg-
         the EPFO and headed by the Union   limit the potential for effective ad at-  ment during the period, followed by
         Labour Minister.                   tribution, there are still great oppor-  Hyundai Motor India and Kia India at
                                            tunities.  The   availability  of  the second and third positions, respec-
         CBIC to scale up depart-           SKAdNetwork on iOS, for example, is  tively.
                                            an important opportunity for advertis-
         mental audits to boost             ers to access aggregated data, allow-
         GST compliance                     ing them to target areas suitable for  Goyal asks VC funds to in-

         The Central Board of Indirect Taxes  growth.                          vest in small-town startups
         and Customs (CBIC) is set to scale up  Analysts predict that total mobile app  Global venture capital (VC) funds
         scrutiny and departmental audits of  ad spend will increase from $201 bil-  should focus more on startups from
         risky taxpayers to improve goods and  lion in 2022 to $425 billion in 2026 as  tier-II and tier-III cities, said Union
         services tax (GST) collections while us-  brands strive to win consumer trust.  minister of commerce and industry
         ing data and technology to ensure that                                Piyush Goyal, who was chairing the
                                            The forecast expects desktop ad
         officials make decisions transparently,  spending to increase from $97 billion  fourth roundtable with global VC funds.
         chairman Vivek Johri said in an inter-  in 2022 to $142 billion in 2026, despite  The funds should explore new sectors
                                            the redirection of spending to portable  for investing, promote and protect the
         Johri anticipates the central      devices and the implementation of  intellectual property created by young
         government's indirect tax revenue  data protection rules affecting cookie  Indian entrepreneurs, provide exper-
         sources to undergo a shift, with green  policy.                       tise to scale up, and explore greater

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