Page 9 - Banking Finance March 2022
P. 9


         close watch on the unfolding develop-  value and could even be worse than  plans to launch their own digital cur-
         ments and act proactively to ensure  Ponzi schemes, RBI deputy governor T  rencies to promote financial inclusion.
         that financial institutions and financial  Rabi Sankar said, advocating a ban
         markets remain resilient amidst the  even while India is undecided on regu-  Growth worries keep RBI
         challenges posed by the resurgence of  lating them.
         the pandemic," the RBI said in a re-  "We have seen that crypto-technology  on long rate pause
         lease.                                                                The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) held
                                            is underpinned by a philosophy to evade
         The sub-committee reviewed the ma-  government controls," Sankar said at  its key lending rates steady at record
         jor developments in the global and  the 17th Annual Banking Technology  low levels for the 10th straight meet-
         domestic economy.                  Conference and Awards of the Indian  ing to support a durable recovery of
                                            Banks'     Association     (IBA).  the economy from the COVID-19 pan-
         Reserve Bank paper pro-            "Cryptocurrencies have specifically
                                            been developed to bypass the regu-  RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said the
         poses new investment
                                            lated financial system. These should be  Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)
         category for banks                 reason enough to treat them with cau-  decided to hold the lending rate, or the
         The Reserve Bank of India proposed a  tion."                          repo rate, steady at 4 per cent, and the
         new investment category for banks-  According to Sankar, cryptocurrencies  reverse repo, or the rate at which it
         fair value through profit and loss  are not amenable to definition as a  absorbs excess cash from lenders, un-
         (FVTPL) account-as part of its initiatives  currency, asset or commodity and  changed at 3.35 per cent.
         to align lenders' investment portfolio  these should be reason enough to keep  The six-member MPC, which has been
         regulations with the global accounting  them away from the formal financial  on pause since August 2020, voted
         standards.                         system. That apart, cryptos also under-  unanimously to maintain the status quo
         In a discussion paper released, RBI said  mine financial integrity, especially the  on the repo rate and by a majority of
         the investment portfolio of banks shall  KYC regime and Anti-Money Launder-  5-1 to retain the accommodative policy
         now be divided into three categories-  ing and Combating of Financing of Ter-  stance as long as necessary, he said.
         held to maturity (HTM), available for  rorism regulations and at least poten-  "Monetary policy actions will be cali-
         sale (AFS) and FVTPL.              tially facilitate anti-social activities, he  brated and well telegraphed," he said,
                                            said.                              indicating that there will not be any
         The existing held-for-trading (HFT) cat-
         egory will now come under the FVTPL  That apart, he said that if allowed  surprises.
         category, according to the proposed  cryptos can wreck the currency system,  "Overall, taking into consideration the
         rules. The HFT category was for debt  the monetary authority, the banking  outlook for inflation and growth, in
         securities purchased by banks with the  system, and in general the    particular the comfort provided by
         intent of selling them within a short  government's ability to control the  improving inflation outlook, the uncer-
         period of time. Under FVTPL, debt in-  economy.                       tainties related to Omicron and global
         struments are measured at fair value  "All these factors lead to the conclu-  spillovers, the MPC was of the view
         through a profit and loss account.  sion that banning cryptocurrency is  that continued policy support is war-
         The new bank portfolio classification  perhaps the most advisable choice  ranted for a durable and broad-based
         norms will come into effect from 1 April  open to India. We have examined the  recovery," he noted.
         2023, the paper said, while inviting  arguments proffered by those advo-  While a status quo on repo rate was
         comments on a discussion paper from  cating that cryptocurrencies should be  expected, some economists had ex-
         stakeholders by 15 February.       regulated and found that none of them  pected a hike in the reverse repo to re-
                                            stand up to basic scrutiny," said Sankar.  align it with short-term money market
         Banning crypto most ad-            Central banks worldwide have warned  rates.
         visable choice, says RBI           against the risks of privately issued  MPC continuing with the accommoda-
                                            cryptocurrencies for reasons ranging  tive policy stance was one of the prime
         Deputy Gov                         from the volatility in their value to risks  reasons Das cited for not hiking the
         Cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic  to financial stability while working on  reverse repo rate.

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