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         Tax dispute relief: Interest,      100 petitions moved by firms running  the finished good reaches the hands of
                                            businesses ranging from hospitality,  the consumer…This court is of the view
         penalty, fee to be waived          fast-moving consumer goods and real  that the amounts foregone from the

         Interest, penalty, fee, cess, and sur-  estate, challenging the constitutional  public exchequer in favour of the con-
         charge on taxpayers, besides the prin-  validity of certain provisions of the Act,  sumers cannot be appropriated by the
         cipal amount, will be withdrawn under  the CGST rules and the legality of the  manufacturers, traders, distributors
         the petty dispute relief scheme, which  notices proposing imposition or penalty  etc. To allow them  to do so would
         was announced in the Interim Budget  orders by the National Anti-Profiteer-  amount to unjust enrichment," the
         for 2024-25. But the remission of these  ing Authority (NAA).         Bench underscored.
         demands would not end criminal pro-
                                            The NAA had passed final orders direct-  The HC said that the obligation of mak-
         ceedings, either started or planned,
                                            ing the petitioners to pass on the com-  ing a "commensurate" reduction in
         against the tax assessee.
                                            mensurate benefit of reduction in the  prices mentioned in Section 171 of the
         The  Central  Board  of  Direct  Taxes  rate of tax or the input tax credit to  Act is relevant to the objective of the
         (CBDT) has issued an order stating that  its consumers along with interest as  GST regime which is to ensure that
         the remission of petty demands will  per Section 171 of the Act.      "suppliers pass on the benefits of reduc-
         not include the demands of tax de-  A division bench of Acting Chief Justice  tion in the rate of tax and input tax
         ducted at source and tax collected at  Manmohan and Justice Dinesh Kumar  credit to the consumers", especially
         source raised on deductors and collec-
                                            Sharma observed that the Act "prima-  since the GST is a consumption-based
         tors of income tax.
                                            rily intends" to provide a common na-  tax (as adopted in India) and the recipi-
                                            tional market for goods and services as  ent (consumer) practically pays the
         CGST Act enacted in pub-           reflected in its motto 'One Nation One  taxes which are included in the final
         lic interest, is consumer          Tax'. Terming it a "consumer-centric  price. It said that Section 171 cannot be
                                            Act", the Bench said it eliminates the  looked at as a "price control measure"
         centric: Delhi HC                  levy of multiple taxes, streamlines the  has been enacted in "public interest"
         While upholding the constitutional va-  credit mechanism by removing distor-  and  it  mandates  that "whatever is
         lidity of the Central Good and Services  tions in the supply chains, and ensures  saved in tax must be reduced in price".
         Tax (CGST) Act, the Delhi High Court  a smooth pass-through and transpar-  Among various other observations, the
         observed that the law not only "sim-  ent mechanism for levying tax.  Bench further said that the anti-profi-
         plifies and harmonises the indirect tax
                                            "The Act levies a single tax on the sup-  teering mechanism incorporated in
         regime" in the country, but also marks  ply of goods or services on the value  Section 171 is in the exercise of the
         a "paradigm shift" in the manner in
                                            addition at each stage of the supply  "Parliament's power to legislate on an-
         which it is enacted.               chain from purchase of raw materials,  cillary and necessary aspects/matters"
         The verdict came in a batch of over  manufacture of product or import, till  of the GST.

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