P. 19


         Realty Index Fund will be an open-  However,  given  the  market  back-  The fund house further clarified that
         ended scheme replicating / tracking an  ground, we see it prudent to limit the  the said suspension is not applicable for
         Nifty Realty Index (TRI).          inflows in our Small Cap Fund at this  intra scheme switches between plan(s)
                                            juncture."                         and option(s) in the same scheme and
         The  investment  objective  of  the
                                                                               existing registered SIP / STP or such
         scheme will be to provide returns, be-
         fore expenses, that commensurate Nippon India Mutual Fund             other special product transactions.
         with the performance of Nifty Realty  suspends subscription in
         (TRI), subject to tracking error.                                     Indian mutual fund indus-
                                            four overseas funds
         The  scheme  will  be  benchmarked                                    try likely to hit Rs 100 lakh
                                            Nippon India Mutual Fund has decided
         against Nifty Realty Index (TRI). The                                 crore by 2030: Axis Capital
                                            suspension of subscription in its four
         scheme will allocate 95-100% in secu-
                                            schemes. The fund house informed   The Indian mutual fund industry is ex-
         rities covered by Nifty Realty Index,                                 pected to become Rs 100 lakh crore in
         and 0-5% in debt / money market in-  about this to its unitholder through a
                                            notice-cum addendum. The changes   valuation by 2030, according to a re-
         struments including units of mutual
                                            will be effective from February 26.  port by Axis Capital.
                                            The fund  house  informed  that  the  India's mutual fund industry has doubled
         The scheme will be suitable for inves-  lumpsum subscription, switch-ins and  its AUM in just four years to reach a
         tors who are seeking long-term capi-                                  landmark Rs 50 lakh crore in December
                                            fresh registration of SIP/STP or such
         tal appreciation and want investment  other special products under its over-  2023. Prior to this, the industry took five
         in equity and equity related instru-                                  years to double its AUM from Rs 12 lakh
                                            seas funds are being suspended tem-
         ments comprised in Nifty Realty Index.                                crore to Rs 25 lakh crore.
                                                                               The closing in on Rs 100 lakh-crore
         Kotak  Mutual  Fund  re-           The overseas schemes are: Nippon In-  mark underscores how the cumulative
                                            dia  US  Equity  Opportunities  Fund,
         stricts flows into small-cap       Nippon  India  Japan  Equity  Fund,  power of bite-sized systematic invest-
                                                                               ment plans (SIPs) from households will
         fund                               Nippon India Taiwan Equity Fund, and  lead to a doubling of AUM for India's
                                            Nippon India ETF Hang Seng BeES.
         Kotak Mutual Fund will restrict flows                                 mutual fund industry, said the report.
         into its small-cap scheme from March  The fund  house  informed  that  the  The AUM has doubled faster with in-
         4, joining the likes of Nippon and Tata  aforesaid suspension is temporary in  creased  retail  participation  and
         in limiting investments into this prod-  nature and shall be reviewed based on  digitisation. Digitisation is enabling this
         uct category as elevated share valua-  any increase in available headroom  exponential growth in retail participa-
         tions have made it challenging for fund  without breaching overseas  invest-  tion.
         managers to handle continuous flows.  ment limits mentioned above or further  The report also stated that household
         The fund house said in a notice that  enhancement of limit by regulators in  savings were likely to grow 11% CAGR
         fresh subscriptions through lumpsum  this regard.                     as India's GDP reaches ~USD 7 trillion
         will be restricted for each investor to  The notice-cum-addendum stated that  by 2030E.  The share  of equities in
         2 lakh per month. Investments through  lumpsum subscription or switch-in ap-  household assets has doubled in the
         systematic investment plans (SIPs) into  plications received post the respective  past 10 years (to ~4.7%), outlining sig-
         this product also will be capped at  applicable cut-off time of the appli-  nificant opportunities for AMCs.
         25,000 for each investor per month.  cable scheme as of February 23, 2024  The report assumes that the prevailing
                                            shall not be accepted and processed.
         "Few stocks in the small- and mid-cap                                 ~USD 200 million gross monthly SIP
         segment have multiplied, and strong  Further applications for creation of  flow will grow over 3x by 2030E as In-
         momentum is taking them beyond the  units of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)  dians deploy more into financial sav-
         fair value of businesses," said Kotak in  of above-mentioned ETF received di-  ings. Approximately 4 million SIP ac-
         a letter to investors. "We believe our  rectly by the fund house from an inves-  counts  were  created  in  December
         funds  are  positioned  defensively,  tor including large investors shall not  2023. January 2024 saw around 4.6
         emphasising the quality of businesses.  be accepted.                  million new demat accounts.

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