P. 18


          Mutual Fund

          SEBI increases scrutiny on        If funds are used to reduce debt, pro-  standing, monthly inflows through SIPs
                                            moters will have their shares locked in  in MF schemes went past the Rs 18K
          IPO documents                     for 18 months. However, if funds are  crore  mark  to  settle  at  Rs  18,838

          India's market regulator is increasing  being raised for capital expenditure,  crore, while assets under management
          scrutiny of issue documents filed by  promoters have a three-year lock-in  for the industry scaled a peak at Rs
          companies going public, four sources  period.                        52.7 lakh crore.
          said, amid a rise in initial public offer-  'Promoters' is a regulatory classifica-  Last month, a record 51.8 lakh new
          ings in the Indian market.        tion in India that includes large share-  SIPs were opened, data released by MF
          The country's surging stock market has  holders who can influence company  industry body Amfi showed, while the
          prompted  nearly  50  companies  to  policy.                         total number of folios were almost at
          launch public issues in 2023; eight is-  "By saying the company is using funds  17 crore - also an all-time high num-
          sues have been completed so far this  to retire debt, they (promoters) are  ber.
          year and another 40 are waiting for  circumventing the law and reducing  The surge in SIP accounts, coupled
          clearance from the Securities and Ex-  the share lock-in period from three  with the milestone of 51.8 lakh new SIP
          change Board of India (Sebi).     years to 18 months," the first person  registrations, underscores the commit-
          "The regulator has returned at least six                             ment of investors towards disciplined
          public offer documents, as Sebi ob-  An investment banker, who declined to  wealth creation, said Amfi chief execu-
          served companies are misleading in  be identified as discussions with the  tive, Venkat Chalasani. "Moreover, the
          their reasons for fundraise," said the  regulator are private, said Sebi has  industry's net AUM soaring to Rs 52.7
          first of the four people cited above.  sought a detailed break-up of whether  lakh crore further accentuates the re-
                                            IPO proceeds are being used to retire  silience and potential of mutual funds
          The regulator is particularly scrutinis-
                                            debt taken for capital expenditure.  as a preferred investment avenue,"
          ing what companies say they intend to                                Chalasani said.
          use  funds  raised  from  the  IPO  for,  "This is making disclosures fairly cum-
          these sources, directly familiar with  bersome," they added.         Tata  Mutual  Fund  files
          the matter, said.                 Earlier this month, India's market regu-
          The sources declined to be identified as  lator said it was investigating three  draft document  for  two
                                            IPOs for allegedly inflating the number
          they are not authorised to speak to the                              index funds
                                            of subscriptions received.
          media. Sebi did not respond to an email.                             Tata Mutual Fund has filed two draft
          As per Sebi rules, funds raised via IPOs  Monthly  SIP  flows  at    documents with Sebi for two index
          can be used for capital expenditure,                                 funds: Tata Nifty Realty Index Fund and
          debt reduction, general corporate pur-  record Rs. 18.8k crore       Tata Nifty Auto Index Fund.
          poses and acquisitions.           A volatile stock market in Jan notwith-  Tata Nifty Realty Index Fund Tata Nifty

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