P. 14


         national highways crossed the Rs 1 tril-  retail segments including rooftop solar  "The challenges of debt sustainability
         lion mark after the National Highways  installation and electric vehicles (EV).  in  an environment of high interest
         Authority of India (NHAI) raised Rs  Speaking at a panel discussion on green  rates and low growth at the global
         15,624 crore in the third round offering  financing, at the second CII India Eu-  level  can  become  new  sources  of
         for its infrastructure investment trust                               stress. Reducing debt burdens is nec-
                                            rope Business & Sustainability Con-
         (InvIT), the highway authority said.                                  essary to create fiscal space for new
                                            clave, CMD IREDA Pradip Kumar Das
                                                                               investments in priority areas, including
         This is the highest value realised in a  unveiled plans for establishing a subsid-
                                                                               green transition," Reserve Bank of In-
         single  InvIT  round  by  NHAI.  The  iary to cater to retail projects encom-
                                                                               dia Governor Shaktikanta Das said.
         amount was generated by offering 10  passing  rooftop  solar,  PM-KUSUM,
         highway  stretches  spanning  890  electric vehicles, and other business-to-  "As regards India, given the fiscal con-
         kilometres (kms), according to NHAI.  consumer (B2C) segments.        solidation path as well as improving
         With the fiscal year nearing its end,  A statement quoting him said IREDA  growth prospects, we expect the gen-
                                                                               eral  government  debt to gradually
         officials said that the proceeds of the  can set up a wholly-owned subsidiary
                                                                               come down," he said.
         InvIT round are expected by March.  to meet the needs of retail segments,
         The monetised sections in the latest  subject to government approval.  According to International Monetary
         round  include  Chichira-Kharagpur,  Das further said that IREDA is commit-  Fund, India's government debt eased to
         Orai-Bara,  Rewa-Katni-Jabalpur-   ted to making various renewable en-  81% of GDP in 2022 and is projected to
         Lakhnadon, Kachugaon to Rakhaldubi  ergy technologies bankable, including  decline to 80.5% in 2028 as compared
         Bus Junction and Rakhaldubi Bus Junc-  emerging ones like EVs, green hydro-  with 88.5% during the pandemic year
                                                                               2020. India's external debt to GDP ra-
         tion   to   Kaljhar,   Kaljhar   to  gen, and offshore wind.
         Patacharkuchi,    Lakhnadon    to                                     tio fell to 18.6% at the end of Septem-
                                            He also highlighted the role of micro,  ber 2023 from 20% at end-March 2022.
         Mahagaon, Mahagaon to Khawasa,     small, and medium enterprises (MSME)
         Hubli to Haveri, Davangere to Haveri,  in environmental sustainability and  The debt service ratio rose to 6.7%
         and Davangere to Chitradurga.      emphasized  the  importance  for   from 5.2% during the same period.

         "During  FY24,  NHAI  has  already  MSMEs to improve their ratings and
         awarded and  executed  Concession  governance, in order to facilitate their  Rs 1 lakh limit per indi-
         Agreements  for  four  TOT Bundles,  access to finance for renewable energy vidual for withdrawal of
         which include toll-operate-transfer  projects, at competitive interest rates.  old tax demands
         (TOT) bundles 11, 12, 13, and 14 for a
                                            IREDA signed a memorandum of un-   The government has begun getting rid
         total value of Rs 15,968 crore, which
                                            derstanding with Punjab National Bank  of old outstanding small income tax
         is higher than its monetisation target  to collaborate on financing renewable
         of Rs 10,000 crore for the current fis-  energy projects across the country.  demands after setting a ceiling of Rs 1
         cal year," officials said.                                            lakh per taxpayer. Taxpayers can check
                                                                               the status of the demands by logging
         Since  the  start  of  the  national  India's debt levels reduc-      on to the income tax portal online. The
         monetisation pipeline in 2021, the min-                               scheme will be implemented by the
         istry has brought private investment  ing as Govt sticks to plans     Bengaluru-based Directorate  of In-
         worth Rs 42,334 crore through TOT, Rs  on fiscal consolidation        come Tax (Systems) at the Centralised
         26,125 crore through its InvIT, and  Indian  government  borrowings,  in  Processing Centre (CPC), preferably
         raised debt worth Rs 42,000 crore.  sharp contrast with elevated debt lev-  within two months. It will be limited to
                                            els in the West, are gradually reducing  Rs 1,00,000 per assesse.
         IREDA planning arm to fi-          as a percentage of national output as  During the interim budget, Finance

         nance rooftop solar, elec-         the North Block sticks to its announced  Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had an-
                                            fiscal consolidation roadmap, aided by
         tric vehicles                      robust growth that promises to raise  nounced that the I-T department will
                                                                               withdraw small outstanding direct tax
         IREDA is planning to set up a subsid-  state revenues while obviating the  demands of Rs 25,000 or less which
         iary to finance business to consumer or  need for more public debt.
                                                                               pertained to the period up to FY10

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