P. 9


         (AePS) service providers and called for  ances and material supervisory con-  Mumbai, he called upon banks to think
         introduction of additional fraud risk  cerns".                        of customer convenience and provide
         management  measures  which  will  The  RBI  decision  essentially  bars  services accordingly.
         strengthen the security of the system  Paytm Payments Bank from offering all
         while enhancing its robustness.    its core services - including accounts
                                                                               Provide loan agreement
         According to RBI, in 2023, more than  and wallets - from March, effectively
         37 crore users undertook AePS trans-  crippling  the  company's  business.  info to borrowers: RBI
         actions, highlighting the importance  Given the significant customer base of  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked
         played by the segment in financial in-  Paytm - once the poster boy of India's  banks and NBFCs to provide all borrow-
         clusion.                           fintech revolution - this could impact a  ers from retail and micro and small

         "To enhance the security of AePS trans-  large number of customers.   enterprises (MSMEs) a key fact state-
         actions, it is proposed to streamline  Neither Paytm Payments Bank nor its  ment (KFS) containing all the informa-
         the onboard process, including manda-                                 tion about the loan agreement, includ-
                                            parent company, One97 Communica-
         tory due diligence, for AePS touchpoint                               ing all-in-costs of the loan, in simple
                                            tions, commented on the RBI action.
         operators, to be followed by banks.                                   and easy-to-understand format.
         Additional fraud risk management re-  "No further deposits or credit transac-  In its post policy statement, the cen-
         quirements will also be considered,"  tions or top-ups should be allowed in
         RBI said in a statement.           any customer accounts, prepaid instru-  tral bank said that the new measure
                                                                               will foster greater transparency and
                                            ments, wallets, FASTags, NCMC cards,
         The banking regulator said that the                                   disclosure by the regulated entities
         instructions regarding AePS will be is-  etc. after February 29, 2024, other  (REs)  in pricing  of  loans  and  other
         sued shortly. Both these measures are  than any interest, cashbacks, or re-
         expected to help in controlling the  funds which may be credited anytime,"  charges levied on the customers.
         frauds in the system.              the RBI said.                      Currently, KFS is specifically mandated
                                                                               in respect of loans by banks to indi-
         "The new framework for digital pay-
         ment authentication together  with Be mindful of legal, cyber         vidual borrowers, digital lending by
         more stringent due diligence require-  risks from AI: RBI official to  banks and NBFCs, and microfinance
         ments for Aadhar Enabled Payment                                      loans.
         Systems will help curtail fraud risk," banks                          KP Singh, chairman of microfinance

         said Zarin Daruwala, Cluster CEO, In-  The banking sector and players in the  company Satin Creditcare Network,
         dia  and  South  Asia  markets     space should be mindful of legal and  said microfinance companies, which
         (Bangladesh, Nepal and  Sri Lanka),  cyber risks, and skill gaps emanating  have been following KFS to customers
         Standard Chartered Bank.           from Artificial Intelligence (AI), RBI  since 2022, have significantly enhanced
                                            Deputy Governor T Rabi Sankar has  transparency  and  contributed  to
         RBI curbs on Paytm: Can't          said.                              broader financial inclusion efforts.

         take deposits, offer other         "With the adoption of AI and GenAI,  "Now, with the recent regulatory move
         services after February 29         laws  are to  be  redefined.  Industry  by the RBI extending similar require-
                                            needs to note that Digital Personal  ments to banks and NBFCs, the acces-
         The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) barred
                                            Data Protection (DPDP) Act rules are  sibility of key fact statements will en-
         Paytm Payments Bank from accepting
                                            going to come soon, and banks may be
         deposits or top-ups in any of its key                                 able borrowers to fully understand the
                                            in violation of some of it so it's impor-
         products - customer accounts, prepaid                                 terms and conditions and make effec-
                                            tant to start preparing for it," he said.
         instruments, wallets, FASTags and Na-                                 tive comparisons between different
         tional Common Mobility Card (NCMC)  Addressing the 19th Annual Banking  loan products. While this will enable
         among others - after February 29 in  Technology Conference organised by  borrowers to be more prudent while
         the wake of "persistent non-compli-  the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) in  taking loans, it will enable lenders to

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