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         Tata  Capital to  raise Rs.        ing momentum, Tata Sons invested Rs  will see a price reduction of up to Rs
                                            1,000 crore in the first half of the cur-  70,000 with the base model now priced
         20K crore to  boost core
                                            rent fiscal year (FY24) by subscribing to  at Rs 8 lakh. Tata said it is passing on
         lending biz                        the rights issue of equity of TCL. This  "battery price reduction benefits" to

         Tata Capital Limited's (TCL's) board has  followed an infusion of Rs 500 crore  customers. "Battery costs constitute a
         greenlit a fundraising exercise of Rs  during FY23. Previously, Tata Sons in-  substantial part of the overall cost of
         20,000 crore through non-convertible  vested Rs 1,000 crore in FY20, and Rs  an EV," said Vivek Srivatsa, chief com-
         debentures (NCDs). This capital will be  2,500 crore in FY190. The group has  mercial officer of Tata's passenger car
         channelled into the company's core  earmarked financial services as a core  electric mobility division.
         lending business and is separate from  business, supporting it with fund infu-
         the Rs 8,000 crore fundraising plan of  sion and intra-group business.  Govt  raises  FCI  capital
         its home finance subsidiary, Tata Capi-                               from Rs. 10,000 crore to
         tal Housing Finance.
                                            EV  prices  nearly  on  par        Rs. 21,000 crore
         Tata Capital, a subsidiary of Tata Sons
         Private Limited, the holding company  with petrol & diesel            The  government  has increased the
         of the Tata group, currently encom-  It's widely believed that electric cars  authorised capital of state-run Food
         passes Tata Capital Housing Finance,  are prohibitively expensive to buy. But  Corporation  of  India  (FCI)  from  Rs
         Tata Securities, and Tata Capital Pte  perception may not be keeping pace  10,000 crore to Rs 21,000 crore to
         Singapore and its subsidiaries. The de-  with reality. After recent cuts by mak-  enhance the operational capabilities
         bentures will be issued on a private  ers such as Tata Motors and MG Mo-  and fulfil its mandate effectively, the
         placement basis once Tata Sons ap-  tor, you may well recover any addi-  Food Ministry said.
         proves the fundraising plan, with the  tional price paid for buying an EV in  FCI is the central government's nodal
         option for Tata Capital to raise the  well under one year, especially as the  agency that undertakes procurement
         funds in one or more tranches.     greens already throw in the lowest  of foodgrains at a minimum support
         Among major bond issuances by Indian  running  cost  per  km,  apart  from  price (MSP) to protect the interest of
         companies, according to Bloomberg  subsidised registration charges.   farmers. It also maintains strategic
         data, HDFC Bank tops the leaderboard;  Tata Motors, the country's largest elec-  stocks and distributes the grains under
         it had raised Rs 25,000 crore in Febru-  tric car seller, announced deep cuts to  different welfare schemes.
         ary last year. Piramal Housing Finance
                                            prices of electric versions of Nexon SUV  ''The increase in authorized capital is
         had raised Rs 20,455 crore in August
                                            and Tiago mini. While the steepest  a significant step towards enhancing
         2016, while Reliance raised Rs 20,000  reduction of Rs 1.2 lakh has been made  the operational capabilities of FCI in
         crore via bonds in November 2023.
                                            on the Nexon EV (entry variant priced  fulfilling its mandate effectively,'' the
         With the financial services sector gain-  at Rs 14.5 lakh, ex-showroom), Tiago  ministry said in a statement.

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