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          and of Rs 10,000 or less for the finan-  the  sense  that  whatever  were the  crore to Central GST (CGST) and Rs
          cial years from 2010-11 up to 2014-15.  possibilities of evasion, I'm using this  37,257 crore to State GST (SGST) from
                                            word, they've been plugged to a great  the Integrated GST (IGST) collection.
          Use of tech, AI aiding direct     extent. So the taxpayer is expected to  The GST collections data was released
                                            not to resort to those methodologies
          tax compliance, says CBDT         (for evasion)," he said.           a day earlier than the usual scheduled
                                                                               date of 1st of every month because of
          Chairman                                                             the presentation of the Union Budget
          Around 44 lakh e-mails were sent to tax- January GST collections hit  for financial year 2024-25 in Parlia-
          payers in December for mismatches be-  Rs.  1.72  lakh  crore  up    ment on February 1. State-wise data
          tween their declared income and finan-                               of the GST collections was not released
          cial transactions based on technology-  10.4% y-o-y; second high-    by the ministry this time as per the
          based risk assessment, Central Board of  est since rollout           norm.
          Direct Taxes (CBDT) Chairman Nitin  Gross Goods and Services Tax (GST)
          Gupta said. With the use of technology,  collections rose to Rs 1.72 lakh crore  Indian economy to grow at
          including artificial intelligence and  in January (for sales in December), up 6.7%  between  FY24  to
          changes in the law, the possibilities of tax  10.4 per cent from the year-ago pe-
          evasion have been plugged to a great  riod, data released by the Finance Min-  FY31: CRISIL
          extent and have helped in improving tax                              The Indian economy is expected to
                                            istry showed. This is the second high-
          compliance, Gupta said in a post-budget                              experience an average annual growth
                                            est level of GST collections after the
          interview to The Indian Express.                                     rate of 6.7 per cent until the end of the
                                            July 2017 rollout of the indirect tax
          "New technology is used everywhere.  regime and marks the third instance of  decade, according to CRISIL's latest
          We shot off around around 44 lakh  collections over the Rs 1.7 lakh crore  report. This growth rate is anticipated
          emails in December to those (taxpay-  mark in this financial year. The highest-  for  the  fiscal  years  2024  to  2031,
          ers) where the returned income and  ever monthly GST collection was re-  slightly surpassing the pre-pandemic
          financial  transactions  were  having  corded in April 2023 at Rs 1.87 lakh  average of 6.6 per cent. The main con-
          some sort of mismatch based on the  crore.                           tributor to this growth trend would be
          risk-assessment analysis. Just nudging                               capital, the report added.
                                            "The gross GST revenue collected in the
          the taxpayers that this is what we are
                                            month of January, 2024 (till 05:00 PM  This  outcome  stems  from  the
          finding,  please  check  whether you                                 government's investment-oriented ap-
                                            of 31.01.2024) is Rs 1,72,129 crore,
          have rightly disclosed your income in  which shows a 10.4% Year-o-Year (Y-oY)  proach during a period when the pri-
          the return of income," Gupta said.
                                            growth  over  the  revenue  of  Rs  vate sector was hesitant to make in-
          The higher buoyancy in direct tax rev-  155,922 crore collected  in January  vestments.
          enue, as outlined in the Budget 2024-  2023 (till 05:00 PM on 31.01.2023),"  The report noted that the government
          25  presented  recently,  has  come  the ministry said in a statement.  substantially elevated capital expendi-
          mainly on the back of technology along
                                            "Notably, this is the second highest  ture to aid infrastructure development
          with other measures being taken to
                                            monthly collection ever and marks the  and extended interest-free loans to
          plug leakages, Gupta said. "There are  third month in this financial year with  states, reinforcing their own invest-
          a multitude of factors. One is the use  a collection of Rs 1.70 lakh crore or  ment initiatives. It also states that fol-
          of technology for the data which is                                  lowing robust growth of 7.3 per cent
          available with us, and its disclosure to  more," it said.            in the current fiscal year, there will be
          the taxpayer through AIS (Annual In-  With  the latest print,  GST revenue  a moderation of 6.4 per cent in the
          formation Statement), and then, we  collections have averaged at Rs 1.67  upcoming financial year.
          are prefilling returns… we have also  lakh crore per month during April-Janu-
          done quicker processing, quicker issue  ary 2023-24, up 11.6 per cent from the  "There is also a need to monitor the
          of refunds, there is better taxpayer  monthly average of Rs 1.50 lakh crore  impact of the escalation of the Middle
          confidence in the tax  department.  seen during April-January 2022-23. The  East conflict on energy and logistics
          Changes have been made in the law in  government  has  settled  Rs  43,552  costs," it said.

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