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          perform due diligence of customers  commercial and business payments.  ins with the RBI on multiple occasions
          more effectively and understand their  That communication included the di-  - in the seven years of its existence, the
          needs better," Singh said.        rection that we hold all BPSP transac-  bank has been penalised over compli-
          KFS provides critical information about  tions in abeyance," the company said  ance issues at least five times by the
                                            in a statement.                    RBI.
          the pricing of loans and other charges
          levied on the customers helping bor-  "It is important to note that BPSPs are  While the central bank's recent crack-
          rowers make an  informed decision  regulated and licensed by RBI under  down has made users, merchants and
          about their borrowings.           the  payment  aggregator/payment   its investors anxious, the RBI is yet to

          Ajit Velonie, senior director at Crisil,  gateway guidelines. Visa is proactively  give specific details on what necessi-
          said the RBI's move brings consistency  engaged and continues to be in discus-  tated the action and what the sever-
          to norms across asset classes. "The  sions with RBI and our ecosystem part-  ity of violation at the payments bank
          mandate will be specifically relevant  ners to ensure compliance," the state-  was, adding to the travails of users and
          for shorter-tenure loans which have  ment added.                     merchants.
          relatively higher upfront processing  Banks  said  that  RBI's  concerns  Paytm  Payments  Bank  has  been
          fees but competitive interest rates,"  stemmed from the fact that the issu-  barred from offering almost all of its
          Velonie said.                     ance was happening through entities  key services - accepting deposits or
                                            that are not authorised to issue cards.  top-ups in any customer account, pre-
          RBI bars fintechs from is-        Secondly, business credit cards must  paid instruments, wallets, FASTags,
                                            limit their usage for specified transac-  National  Common  Mobility  Card
          suing biz credit cards on         tions. The central bank was also wor-  (NCMC), etc., after February 29 in the
          KYC worries                       ried that these instruments, if issued by  wake of "persistent non-compliances
                                            non-banks to facilitate payments to  and material supervisory concerns".
          RBI has asked payment networks Visa
                                            those  merchants  not  officially  The payments bank had over 7 lakh
          and  Mastercard to stop facilitating
                                            onboarded  to  the  card acceptance  point of sale (PoS) terminals, 3.52 crore
          business credit card issues by fintech
                                            network, could bypass KYC norms.   UPI QR codes and 3.23 crore debit
          aggregators, also known as business
                                                                               cards as of December 2023, RBI data
          payment solution providers.
                                            Since  2017,  Paytm  pay-          shows.  According  to  the  bank's
          Business credit cards, unlike consumer                               website, it has over 30 crore wallets
          credit cards, are issued to businesses. ments bank penalised at      and 3 crore bank accounts. It has over
          These are used to make vendor pay-  least five times by RBI          10 crore KYC customers, with 4 lakh
          ments and act as a substitute for work-                              users added every passing month. The
          ing capital for the companies.    "No fear. No greed. No entitlement.  bank is the largest issuer of FASTag,
                                            India's most sincere bank is here". That
          Historically, banks have been issuing                                with over 80 lakh units issued so far.
                                            is how Paytm Payments Bank markets
          these cards to corporates. In recent                                 Allegations of money laundering and
          years, fintechs have issued such cards,                              foreign exchange violations have also
          onboarding vendors to enable them to  On January 31, citing non-compliance,  been made against the company. How-
          accept payments made on credit card  the RBI all but shut down operations  ever, Paytm has denied these accusa-
          networks.                         of the bank by ordering it to stop ac-  tions. "We are not in a position to com-
                                            cepting new deposits in its accounts
          When contacted, Visa confirmed the                                   ment on the issue as Paytm Payments
                                            beginning March.
          development. "Visa received a com-                                   Bank Limited is under the supervisory
          munication from RBI, Feb 8 in what  The  payments  bank,  which  com-  engagement  of  the  regulator,"  a
          appears to be an industry-wide request  menced operations in May 2017, is not  Paytm Payments Bank spokesperson
          for information on the role of BPSPs in  new to controversy and has had run-  said.

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