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          Reserve Bank

          RBI cautions against KYC          Crime       Reporting      Portal  posed  to  adopt  a  principle-based
                                            ( or through  framework for authentication of digi-
          updation fraud                    cybercrime helpline (1930).        tal payment transactions to promote

          In the wake of continuing reports of
                                                                               alternative mechanisms other than the
          customers falling prey to frauds being  Rs. 8,897 crore of Rs. 2,000  popular SMS-based One Time Pass-
          perpetrated in the name of know your                                 words (OTP).
          customer (KYC) updation, the RBI has  notes yet to return to RBI
          asked the members of public to exer-  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said Rs  Speaking during the monetary policy
          cise caution and due care to prevent  8,897 crore of Rs 2,000 bank notes,  statement  address,  RBI  Governor
          loss and safeguard themselves from  which were withdrawn from circulation  Shaktikanta Das said although the cen-
          such malicious practices.         from May last year, are yet to be re-  tral bank had not specified any particu-
                                            turned to the banking system.      lar Additional Factor of Authentication
          The modus operandi for such frauds
          usually involves customers receiving  The total value of Rs 2,000 banknotes  (AFA) mechanism, SMS-based OTP has
          unsolicited communications, including  in circulation, which was Rs 3.56 lakh  become very popular.
          phone calls, SM and emails, through  crore at the close of business on May  However, in recent years, with techno-
          which they are manipulated into re-  19, 2023, when the withdrawal of Rs  logical advancements, alternative au-
          vealing personal information, account  2,000 banknotes was announced, has  thentication  mechanisms  have
          and login details, or installing unautho-  declined to Rs 8,897 crore at the close  emerged and in order to aid in their
          rized or unverified apps through links  of business on December 29, 2023, the  adoption, RBI has proposed to consti-
          provided in the messages, the RBI said.  RBI said in a release.
                                                                               tute a principle-based framework for
          "Such communications often employ  As much as 97.50 per cent of the Rs  the same, he said.
          tactics of creating a false urgency and  2,000 banknotes in circulation as on
          threatening of account freezing, block-  May  19,  2023,  has  since  been  re-  "Therefore, to facilitate adoption of
          ing and closure, if the customer fails to  turned, the release said, adding that  alternative  authentication  mecha-
          comply. When customers share essen-  these notes continue to remain legal  nisms for enhancing the security of
          tial personal or login details, fraudsters  tender.                  digital payments, it is proposed to put
          gain unauthorized access to their ac-                                in place a principle-based framework
          counts and engage in fraudulent activi-  New rules for verification  for authentication of such transac-
          ties," the RBI said.                                                 tions," Das said.
                                            of  digital  payments  on
          In case of financial cyber frauds, mem-                              The  central  bank  also  suggested
          bers of public should immediately lodge cards                        streamlining the "onboard process" of
          a complaint  on the  National Cyber  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) pro-  Aadhaar  Enabled  Payment  System

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