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         PPBL  has  over  30  crore         man  M  R  Kumar, former  SBI  MD  A  oversee the implementation of these
                                            Krishna Kumar and Bank of Baroda di-  appointments.
         wallets, 3 crore bank ac-          rector Srinivasan Sridhar, as chairmen
         counts                             of public sector banks. The Appoint-  SBI surpassed IT major Infosys to be-
                                                                               come the country's fifth most valued
         Paytm Payment Bank (PPBL) has over  ments Committee of the Cabinet ap-  firm with a market capitalisation of Rs
         30 crore wallets and 3 crore bank ac-  proved these postings, subject to cer-  6.9  lakh  crore. Reliance  Industries
         counts, as per the information on the  tain conditions.
                                                                               leads the market cap chart followed by
         bank's website. It has over 10 crore  Kumar will serve as the part-time non-  TCS, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and SBI.
         KYC  customers,  with  4  lakh  users  official  director  and  non-executive
         added every passing month. The bank  chairman of the Board of Bank of In-
         is the largest issuer of FASTag with over  dia, while Sridhar will take on the same  NaBFID takes derivatives
         80 lakh FASTag units issued. A payment  roles at Indian Overseas Bank.  cover  for  over  Rs.  10K
         bank can raise deposit up to Rs 2 lakh
         but it can't issue loans or credit cards.  Additionally,  Aravamudan  Krishna crore
                                            Kumar will undertake these responsi-  The National Bank for Financing Infra-
         In a big blow to Paytm's operations,
         the RBI recently barred Paytm Pay-  bilities at UCO Bank. These appoint-  structure and Development (NaBFID)
         ments Bank from accepting deposits or  ments come with certain relaxations to  has taken derivatives cover for more
         top-ups in any of its key products-cus-  Appointments Committee of the Cabi-  than Rs 10,000 crore to hedge the in-
         tomer accounts, prepaid instruments,  net guidelines.                 stitution against interest rate risks.
         wallets, FASTags and National Com-  The terms of appointment specify that  These risks emerge from the fixed rate
         mon Mobility Card (NCMC), among    these individuals will serve for three  long-term liabilities debentures and
         others-after February 29 in the wake  years, from the date of notification, or  annual reset for loans which would in-
         of "persistent non-compliances and  until further orders, whichever is ear-  crease uncertainty.
         material supervisory concerns". OCL  lier. Moreover, the appointments are  The government-owned infrastructure
         indicated that the company will stop  subject to specific conditions, including  funding institution  raised about Rs
         its dependency on Paytm Payments   the resignation of Sridhar from the  19,516 crore in nine months ended
         Bank and its nodal accounts and QR                                    December 2023 through debentures.
         codes will be moved to other bank.  board of Bank of Baroda and Kumar
                                            from the board of Suraksha Asset Re-  Out of it, Rs 10,000 crore had a tenor
         Ex-LIC chief, former SBI MD        construction.                      of 10 years and Rs 9,516 crore had a
                                                                               tenor of 15 years.
         among 3 new PSB chair-             The order was signed by Vijay Kumar
                                            Darak, deputy director at the Appoint-  Rajkiran  Rai  G,  Managing  Director,
         men                                ments Committee of the Cabinet. The  NaBFID told, that the institution has
         Govt has appointed former LIC chair-  department of financial services will  entered into interest rate swap and

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