P. 7


         Bank of India, recently, directed Paytm  persist since 2002 onwards. There was  a company - SBI Payments - which of-
         Payments Bank to stop accepting new  a set of employees in the bank who  fers PoS terminals and QR codes. They
         deposits in its accounts or digital wal-  were entitled to a pension of 40 per  are already in the market all this while
         lets from March, citing supervisory  cent and a set of employees who were  and now we are also reaching out to
         concerns and non-compliance with   entitled to a pension of 50 per cent,"  merchants so that they do not face any
         rules.                             SBI Chairman Dinesh Khara said. "The  disruption," Khara said.
                                            matter was pending before a court of
         The EPFO, which has a corpus of over
                                            law. A settlement is almost in the off-
         18 trillion rupees ($216.89 billion) cov-                             Banks facing disruption in
                                            ing and we have got approvals from
         ering nearly 300 million workers, had                                 UPI services, says NPCI
         allowed  Paytm  Payments  Bank  to  the government as well as the RBI but
         settle claims in November 2023.    are still awaiting the formal notifica-  Some of the banks experienced Unified
                                            tion," Khara said.                 Payment System (UPI) connectivity dis-

         Pension  liability  of  Rs.        "Nevertheless, since we were in the  ruptions due to internal technical is-
                                            position to have a very clear visibility,  sues, National Payments Corporation
         7,100 crore brings down            we have provided for this additional Rs  of India (NPCI) said.
         SBI profits by 35.5% in Dec        5,400 crore on account of this increase  NPCI, the umbrella organisation for
         quarter                            in pension for all employees. Second,  operating retail payments and settle-
                                            there was another obligation on dear-  ment systems in the country, said it
         State Bank of India (SBI), India's larg-  ness relief neutralisation for the pre-  was working with such lenders to re-
         est bank, has reported a 35.5 year-on-  2002 retirees which was to the tune of  solve the issue.
         year decline in standalone net profit at  Rs 1,700 crore," Khara said at a me-
         Rs  9,163.96  crore  for  the  quarter  dia conference.               "Regret inconvenience on UPI connec-
         ended December 2023 as against Rs                                     tivity as few of the banks are having
         14,205.34 crore in the same quarter of  On credit offtake, Khara said, "we are  some internal technical issues. NPCI
         last year. Pension liability of Rs 7,100  observing that credit growth has been  systems are working fine and we are
                                            very broad based. We are seeing a  working with these banks to ensure
         crore dented the profits for the quar-
         ter, the bank said.                health trend and are quite hopeful it  quick resolution," NPCI wrote on the
                                            will continue going forward as well."  site X.
         Total income during the quarter rose
         to  Rs  118,192  crore  as  against  Rs  SBI Chairman: Paytm cus-     "We experienced some difficulties on
         98,083 crore a year ago. Net interest                                 UPI which seems to be part of a larger
         income (NII), the difference between tomers are welcome               ecosystem. We are back in operations

         interest  earned  and  interest  ex-  State  Bank of India (SBI) Chairman  now and  regret  any inconvenience
         pended, for the third quarter rose 4.5  Dinesh Khara said the bank is ready to  faced," HDFC Bank said on X.
         per  cent  on-year  to  Rs  39,815.73  absorb Paytm customers to its fold.  UPI, the real-time payment system,
         crore, compared to Rs 38,068.8 crore  "We are ready for them. If at all they  powers multiple bank accounts into a
         in the corresponding quarter of last  are willing to come, we are more than  single mobile application (of any par-
         year.                              happy to lap them up," Khara said.  ticipating bank), merging several bank-
         "We absorbed additional liability to  "We are reaching out to all the mer-  ing features, seamless fund routing
         the tune of Rs 7100 crore on account  chants and would be happy to wel-  and  merchant  payments  into  one
         of anomaly in pension which used to  come them into our fold. We have got  hood.

                               No. of GST return filers up 65% in 5 years

           The number of GST return filers rose about 65% to 1.1 crore in 5 years till April 2023 as compliance by taxpayers improved,
           the finance ministry said. Also, the number of active taxpayers registered under GST increased from a little over 1 crore
           as of April 2018, to 1.4 crore. As per data shared by the ministry, 90% of eligible taxpayers are filing GSTR-3B returns by
           the end of the filing month in the current fiscal year, up from 68% in 2017-18.  "Simplification in rules and procedure in GST
           has resulted in increase in return filing percentage by eligible taxpayers," the ministry said in a post on X.

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