Page 14 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
P. 14

Frequently Asked Questions on

                    Conventional Life Insurance

         Q. What should I look for before   Electro Cardiogram, Glucose Tolerance  .  To this sum assured the bonus already
         I decide to buy a policy?          test etc could be required, while for  vested (accrued) before the policy
         A. You must check and see whether  underweight proposers, X-ray of the  lapsed, is also added.  Example if the
         or not there is availability of guaran-  chest and lungs with reports could be  bonus accrued up to the date of lapse
         tee of return, what the lock in period  required.                     is 35,000/-, the total paid up value is
         is, details of premium to be paid, what                               50000 + 35000 = 85000.
         would be implications of premium   Q. What is meant by Paid-up        Q. How is Surrender Value cal-
         default, what the revival conditions  Value in Conventional Life Insur-
         are what the policy terms are, what  ance Policy?                     culated in Conventional Life In-
                                                                               surance Policy?
         are the charges that would be de-  A. After premiums are paid for a cer-
         ducted, would loan be available etc.  tain defined period or beyond and if  A. Surrender Value is allowed as a
                                            subsequent premiums are not paid, the  percentage of this paid up value.  Sur-
         Q. What is the importance of a     sum assured is reduced to a propor-  render value is calculated as per the
         proposal and the disclosures       tionate sum, which bears the same ra-  surrender value factor, which depends
                                            tio to the full sum assured as the num-  on the premiums paid and elapsed
         made therein?
                                            ber of premiums actually paid bears to  duration.
         A. The disclosures made in a pro-
                                            the total number originally stipulated in
         posal are the basis for underwriting a                                Q. How is the Loan on Policy cal-
                                            the policy.  For example, if sum assured
         policy and therefore any wrong state-                                 culated under Conventional Life
                                            is 1 lakh and the total number of pre-
         ments or disclosures can lead to denial                               Insurance Policies?
                                            miums is payable is 20 (20 years policy,
         of a claim.
                                            mode of premium is assumed yearly)  A. If the policy conditions permit
                                            and default occurs after 10 yearly pre-  grant of loan, loan is sanctioned as a
         Q. What are special medical re-
                                            miums are paid, the policy acquires the  percentage of the Surrender Value.
         ports required to be submitted in  paid up value of 50,000/-.
         Life insurance?                                                       Q. What are the requirements
         A. In case of certain proposals, de-  Paid up Value = No. of Premiums Paid  to be submitted in case of a Ma-
         pending upon the age of entry, age at  / No. of Premiums Payable X S.A=10/  turity Claim?
         maturity, sum assured, family history  20 X 100000 = 50000/-.  This means  A. Usually the Insurance Company
         and personal history, special medical  that the policy is effective as before  will send intimation attaching the dis-
         reports may be necessary for consid-  except that from the date the 11th pre-  charge voucher to the policy holder at
         eration of a risk. E.g. if the proposer  mium was due, the sum assured is
         is overweight, special reports like  50,000/- instead of original 1,00,000/-     Continued in Page 23

                        Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.

          14                                         November 2017                           Life Insurance Today

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