Page 11 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
P. 11

Postal Life Insurance (PLI)

         Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced on 1st Feb-  PLI is an exempted insurer under Section 118 (c) of the
         ruary 1884 with the express approval of the Secretary of  Insurance Act of 1938. It is also exempted under Section
         State (for India) to Her Majesty, the Queen Empress of In-  44 (d) of LIC Act, 1956.
         dia. It was essentially a scheme of State Insurance mooted
         by the then Director General of Post Offices, Mr. F.R. Hogg  PLI offers 6 (Six) types of plans:
         in 1881 as  a welfare scheme for the benefit of Postal  1.     Whole Life Assurance  (SURAKSHA)
         employees and later extended to the employees of Tele-
         graph department in 1888. In 1894, PLI extended insurance  2.     Convertible Whole Life Assurance (SUVIDHA)
         cover to female employees of P & T Department at a time  3.     Endowment Assurance  (SANTOSH)
         when no other insurance company covered female lives. It  4.     Anticipated Endowment Assurance  (SUMANGAL)
         is the oldest Life insurer in this country.
                                                              5.     Joint Life Assurance  (YUGAL SURAKSHA)
         In the beginning, the upper limit of life insurance was only  6.     Children Policy(BAL JEEVAN BIMA)
         Rs 4000/- which has now increased to Rs 50 lacs (Rupees
         Fifty Lacs) and it will be effective as and when notified Whole Life Assurance:
         through a Gazette notification for all schemes combined -  This is a scheme where the assured amount with accrued
         Endowment Assurance and Whole Life Assurance. Over the  bonus is payable to the assignee, nominee or the legal heir
         years, PLI has grown substantially from a few hundred poli-  after death of the insurant or to the insurant himself/her-
         cies in 1884 to more than 6.4 millions policies as on  self after attaining the age of 80 years. Minimum Age at
         31.03.2015.                                          entry is 19 years and the maximum Age at entry is 55 years.
                                                              The minimum Sum Assured is Rs 20,000 and the maximum
         It now covers employees of Central and State Governments,  Sum Assured is Rs 50 lacs.
         Central and State Public Sector Undertakings, Universities,
         Government aided Educational institutions, Nationalized  The policy can be converted into an Endowment Assurance
         Banks, Local bodies, autonomous bodies, joint ventures  Policy after completion of one year and before 57 years of
         having a minimum of 10% Govt./PSU stake, credit co-op-  age of the insurant. Loan facility is available after comple-
         erative societies etc. PLI also extends the facility of insur-  tion of four years and policy can also be surrendered after
         ance to the   officers and staff of the Defence services and  completion of three years. The policy is not eligible for
         Para-Military forces. Apart from single insurance policies,  bonus if surrendered or assigned for loan before comple-
         Postal Life Insurance also manages a Group Insurance  tion of 5 years. Proportionate bonus on the reduced sum
         scheme for the Extra Departmental Employees (Gramin Dak  assured is accrued if the policy is surrendered or assigned
         Sevaks) of the Department of Posts.                  for loan.

                                     The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

         Life Insurance Today                        November 2017                                            11

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