Page 8 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
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viability of the CSCs which have
                                                                                    been struggling for viability since
                                                                                    their inception. Some of the
                                                                                    SCAs, however, are not happy
                                                                                    with the move, as it is "eating
                                                                                    into their margins". CSCs enable
                                                                                    the three vision areas of the
                                                                                    Digital India programme:

                                                                                    In India, CSCs are set up by CSC
                                                                                    e-Governance Services India Ltd,
                                                                                    which is a special purpose
                                                                                    vehicle created specifically to
                                                                                    monitor the implementation of
                                                                                    the Common Service Centre
                                                              scheme of the government and ensure a centralised
         Sustainability of CSCs:                              collaborative framework for delivery of services to citizens.
         A Common Service Center (CSC) is an information and  CSCs also collect Rs. 1 crore premium a day as agents for
         communication technology
         (ICT) access point created
         under the National e-
         Governance Project of the
         Indian government.  The
         project plan includes the
         creation of a network of
         over    100,000    CSCs
         throughout the country. The purpose of the project is to  insurance companies. This has led to a higher renewal for
         provide much-needed information and services to      insurance firms and a better commission for the local
         underserved Indians in rural areas. To get the licence in  entrepreneurs who run the CSC. The CSC SPV is a private
         insurance sector, the CSC operators have to pay an   organization - the government holds just 49 percent equity
         application processing fee of Rs 5,000 to IRDA for three  - and so it can't get preferential treatment from the IRDA
         years.                                               and act as insurance aggregator.

         For its renewal, they will have to pay Rs 1000. According  The margins have been cut in cases of other services being
                                                              offered through the CSCs. The relationship between SCA
         to the guidelines, the RAPs should have completed 20
                                                              and VLE has to be symbiotic. And as time goes, the
         hours of theoretical (online) training and pass an exam
         conducted by national institute of electronics and   participation of the intermediaries will get leaner and
                                                              thinner. The statistics regarding the CSC-SPV channel for
         information technology (NIELIT). As guidelines state, the
                                                              the period 1.4.2016 till 31.8.2016 is as under:
         CSC SPV will distribute 80 percent of the remuneration
         from insurers to the RAP, 12 percent to the SCA, agency  a.  No. of RAP who have undergone training & passed
         which appoints the CSC operators and manage the          exam/issued certificates - 11,621
         CSC network in states and rest of 8 percent will go to the  b. Total premium collected (New & renewal) - Rs. 117.42
         SPV.                                                     crores
                                                              c.  Total New Insurance premium - Rs. 6.62 crores
         All VLEs who qualify as RAP will be provided with a      (General) + Rs. 0.28 crores (Life)
         monthly income of Rs 2000. This income is apart from
                                                              d. Total Renewal Premium - Rs. 110.52 crores (Life)
         what they receive as remuneration from selling and
         managing policies. The move is expected to boost the  e. Total no. of customers serviced - 3.78 lakhs

          8                                          November 2017                           Life Insurance Today

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